Hi there from a newbie to HL (but enjoying it thoroughly!).
Just a quick question...I've searched for the answer on the forums, and not found anything, so I hope I'm not repeating a tired old saw.
I've been trying to recreate Antoine Savoy, from New Orleans, but I've found that I'm stuck when it comes to his Theban Sorcery levels. As an NPC, I can only add 1 dot of Theban Sorcery - there is no option to increase his level (ie: the left/right arrows are greyed out, and changing the number has it revert back to 1).
Of course, I can increase Theban Sorcery in a character by spending XP on advancements, but this option isn't available for NPCs. So I've gone and created Savoy from scratch as an experienced character, but it took quite a while.
Soooo...I was wondering if any combination of the following three things could be implemented in future releases:
1) Allow NPCs to be advanced by adding XP.
2) Allow Theban Sorcery levels to be increased when an NPC is given that discipline.
3) Allow advancements to be implemented from the actual statistic - that is, if I want to increase a character's Auspex stat, I can simply click on the arrow button and have the appropriate XP deleted from my XP total (rather than going through the advancements screen and four or five clicks for each dot's increase).
Oh...a fourth option just occurred to me, but I doubt this would be "implementable" - we have our custom data files, created in the editor, containing things like equipment, disciplines, etc. Would it be possible for the user to be able to edit the core elements? For example, if I could change the Theban Sorcery starting dots when applied to NPCs, it would sidestep the problem as well.
Cheers, guys, and thanks for a terrific bit of software!
Just a quick question...I've searched for the answer on the forums, and not found anything, so I hope I'm not repeating a tired old saw.
I've been trying to recreate Antoine Savoy, from New Orleans, but I've found that I'm stuck when it comes to his Theban Sorcery levels. As an NPC, I can only add 1 dot of Theban Sorcery - there is no option to increase his level (ie: the left/right arrows are greyed out, and changing the number has it revert back to 1).
Of course, I can increase Theban Sorcery in a character by spending XP on advancements, but this option isn't available for NPCs. So I've gone and created Savoy from scratch as an experienced character, but it took quite a while.
Soooo...I was wondering if any combination of the following three things could be implemented in future releases:
1) Allow NPCs to be advanced by adding XP.
2) Allow Theban Sorcery levels to be increased when an NPC is given that discipline.
3) Allow advancements to be implemented from the actual statistic - that is, if I want to increase a character's Auspex stat, I can simply click on the arrow button and have the appropriate XP deleted from my XP total (rather than going through the advancements screen and four or five clicks for each dot's increase).
Oh...a fourth option just occurred to me, but I doubt this would be "implementable" - we have our custom data files, created in the editor, containing things like equipment, disciplines, etc. Would it be possible for the user to be able to edit the core elements? For example, if I could change the Theban Sorcery starting dots when applied to NPCs, it would sidestep the problem as well.
Cheers, guys, and thanks for a terrific bit of software!