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Having problems with a Hybrid build, and a few miscellaneous issues


New member
Hey there! Cool program, but it's being knocked for a loop by my attempt to build a Hybrid Bard/Ardent.

It's insisting that I choose at least one encounter power from Ardent...problem is, Ardents don't have encounter powers. They have more at-wills...which it also is not letting me select more than two of. :)

Also, Melee Training doesn't let you select an attribute to go with it, so it doesn't modify my basic attack properly.

The Wild Talent Master feat doesn't let you select which talents you have (not a big deal, but there we go).

And is there a way to get it so you can select Battle Cleric's Lore instead of Healer's Lore from the Divine Healer feat?

And...that's all! :)
For the Ardent, it's showing "0 of 0" ardent powers for me. Did you download the data from the D&D Compendium with an active D&D Insider account?

Thanks for the bug reports - we'll put these on our list to fix.

Make a Hybrid lvl 10 Ardent/Druid (or any other non-psionic class).

It wants you to pick 3 encounter powers, there are no ardent encounter powers.
Instead, Ardents like all other Psionics get additional at-wills when normal classes would get encounter powers.

When I made my human ardent/druid it let me select 2 at-wills. I set the character to level 10. It wanted me to pick 3 encounters powers... all that were available were druid and the validation report tells me to pick at least one ardent encounter power which doesn't exist.
Just checking if Colen can add some insight here.
I have Battle Cleric Lore adding to Cleric features BUT I can not make it into a check box to replace Healers Lore similar to How "Healer's Mercy" replaces "Turn Undead" for a Templar(Cleric) is the player wants. I did get Punish the Profane to work (but I used Healer's Mercy as a template so that is why it works.
The one major Problem with Battle Clerics Lore is how do I have it add a +2 shield bonus to AC if picked? I have it adding the Scale Mail Feat (but it auto adds since it just adds to the character and is not picked by the player.

Final Note on this If you can tell me how to script out the Battle Clerics Lore to work as a choice then I should be able to make the same thing work for "Favor of the Gods" class feature which replaces Channel Divinity power, Divine Fortune.

Thanks for the help

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YEA ME small victory here
I have Battle Clerics Lore adding both the Scale Mail Feat and a Shield Bonus to AC Simple Script eval (LOL like I really know what this all means, I just keep pounding my head into it until something works or breaks :)

Just need to now make it able for the player to pick this instead of it auto adding to the class. That is not working.