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Well-known member
White Wolf did a real good job giving the gamers ways (ideas) for hacking the system (e.g. "Mirrors": 3 attributes instead of 9 attributes).

There's no chance to use those rules for Hero Lab, isn't it?
If you are asking if you can make modifications to the WoD material using the Authoring kit, the answer is yes. You ca also create content using the editor for each system. A lot of work along these lines has been done for D&D and Pathfinder.

If you are asking is it possible to break the authoring kit and use it for free, i wouldnt recommend it.
Chiefweasel, you're incorrect - the authoring kit only applies to Authoring kit games - 4ed, Savage Worlds, and any created by someone using the authoring kit. Packaged game systems cannot have their structural files modified.

I've deleted the odd post - I'm pretty sure it's a spammer (who's surprisingly close to being on topic for a spammer)
That's a "No" for using the authoring kit hacking nWoD.
What's the answer to my first question?
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White Wolf did a real good job giving the gamers ways (ideas) for hacking the system (e.g. "Mirrors": 3 attributes instead of 9 attributes).

There's no chance to use those rules for Hero Lab, isn't it?

Support for the three-attribute approach in Mirrors would entail substantial amount of work to overhaul the data files. For something that is going to be used by just a small percentage of players, there are new other features with significantly higher benefits to a much wider audience that we need to focus on first within Hero Lab (like the constantly requested ability to customize character sheet output).