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Well-known member
I am in the process of creating the Verse in RW's starting with planets and moons, I am using hte Verse in Numbers as reference but it doesnt list any towns, cities or settlements. For those fans out there if you could start listing them in this thread it would be appriciated. once all ocmpiled and they have it set up to share data i will make it all available. Fan created or official cannon is fine either way.
I will be creating Hero Lab Portfolios of characters fro mall the RPG books i can find as well as creating characters for NPC's ;listed in the tv show and movies that are not yet made, if anyone has done this i would love to have copies to compile.
Just becoming and annual event now, to see if the deal has been struck with MW publishing and hopefully I can use Firefly rules in HL
Thanks, Aaron! While we used to support the Cortex system in the past, we no longer have a license to support that system. In order to support Firefly, we'd need to secure a license agreement with Margaret Weiss Productions. While that's not outside the realm of possibility for the future, that's not something we're working on right now. We always encourage our users to let publishers know if they'd like to see their game in Hero Lab.
Actually, the real problem is significantly bigger than Liz characterizes. The *MOVIE STUDIO* would have to approve the license. That's where things get really complicated and prohibitively expensive. If it were just MWP, I'm pretty sure we'd have a license without any difficulty.

The reason we "lost" the license previously was because MWP's license with the studio ended, so ours ended along with theirs. MWP then negotiated a new license awhile later, but it wasn't realistic to do a Hero Lab license again at that point in time. As far as movie studios are concerned, something like Hero Lab gets lumped into the same category as video games, so they want video game dollars. Everyone in this industry knows the two aren't remotely similar, but the studios don't understand and frankly aren't interested in learning the distinction. :(
Another example is like the new Star Wars system and the reason there are no PDFs as well as no legal character creators. LucasFilm actually considers PDFs video games and require an additional license with video game dollars attached. Its sad.
Just want to have a nice RPG if only the movie companies understood, Wil Wheaton needs to get on this! Hes one of us.
Just have to point out that with there being video games calling themselves RPGs and with the various virtual table products out there I can see how a studio lawyer might have a hard time understanding how this product is different. It allows play and is digital, so it is a game and is on a computer.... :(
very good point its been awhile since I have had to really explain what RPGs mean and the differences between using a pc and playing on one.
still working on my project, this past year has been horrible for time but im now getting back on track. I have all the planets and other bodies entered now working on populating towns and cities. lots of research to compile.

if anyone would like to hel with this send me a message and we can talk.