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<program name="Hero Lab" url="http://www.wolflair.com">
<programinfo>Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Dungeons & Dragons and all other Wizards of the Coast product names are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. ©2008-2014 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.</programinfo>
<version version="5.3" primary="5" secondary="3" tertiary="" build="449"/>
<localization language="eng" units="imperial"/>
<character active="yes" nature="normal" role="pc" relationship="ally" name="Unnamed Hero" playername="">
<journal name="Title" gamedate="0" realdate="20140803">
<settings summary="Rules Supplements: Adventurer's Vault, Adventurer's Vault 2, Arcane Power, Class Compendium, Dark Sun Campaign Setting, Demonomicon, Divine Power, Draconomicon, Dungeon Delve, Dungeon Master's Guide 2, Dungeon Master's Kit, Eberron Campaign Setting, Eberron Player's Guide, Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, Heroes of Shadow, Heroes of the Elemental Chaos, Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Feywild, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook, Manual of the Planes, Martial Power, Martial Power 2, Monster Manual 2, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium, Neverwinter Campaign Setting, Open Grave, Player's Handbook 2, Player's Handbook 3, Player's Handbook Heroes, Player's Handbook Races: Dragonborn, Player's Handbook Races: Tiefling, Primal Power, Psionic Power, Red Box Starter Set, The Book of Vile Darkness, The Plane Below: Secrets of the Elemental Chaos, The Shadowfell, Underdark; Rules Supplements -> Adventures: Beyond the Crystal Cave, Dragon Magazine, Dungeon Magazine, E1 Death's Reach, E2 Kingdom of the Ghouls, E3 Prince of Undeath, FR1 Scepter Tower of Spellgard, H1 Keep on the Shadowfell, H3 Pyramid of Shadows, Halls of Undermountain, Hammerfast, HS1 The Slaying Stone, Madness at Gardmore Abbey, Marauders of the Dune Sea, P1 King of the Trollhaunt Warrens, P2 Demon Queen Enclave, P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress, Revenge of the Giants, Seekers of the Ashen Crown, Tomb of Horrors, Vor Rukoth, Web of the Spider Queen; Optional Rules -> Language Options: Normal Languages; Output Options: Include Validation Report on Sheet"/>