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Examples Needed: Logic Basics


Well-known member
Hi Team,

I'm having a crack at the scripting language and have come across some questions.

Is there a tutorial to show how to handle choices made by the player in an Array-Based Menu? Specifically i am playing with Feat creation. I can get a menu to give the player a choice. I assume i just need to know the handle of that thing in order to work with it.

I'm trying to get simple IF / THEN statements to work. Given the code below I believe it should check to see is the Charisma Attribute is less than 5, if so add +1 Charisma. However it is adding +1 Charisma no matter what.

if (hero.child[aCHA].field[aStartMod].value < 5) then
hero.child[aCHA].field[aStartMod].value += 1
~ do nothing

Does Hero Lab 5E SRD allow attributes to exceed 20?

Can anyone provide some insight here?
Hi Team,

I'm having a crack at the scripting language and have come across some questions.

Is there a tutorial to show how to handle choices made by the player in an Array-Based Menu? Specifically i am playing with Feat creation. I can get a menu to give the player a choice. I assume i just need to know the handle of that thing in order to work with it.
An array-based menu stores the index of your selection in the usrIndex field. Note that this is the position of the choice they made, and not the text. Plus arrays count from 0, not from 1, so the first choice on the list is at 0.
I'm trying to get simple IF / THEN statements to work. Given the code below I believe it should check to see is the Charisma Attribute is less than 5, if so add +1 Charisma. However it is adding +1 Charisma no matter what.

if (hero.child[aCHA].field[aStartMod].value < 5) then
hero.child[aCHA].field[aStartMod].value += 1
~ do nothing
The aStartMod field is for attribute modifiers from character creation. For example. racial stat modifiers are applied there. What precisely are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to give the character a minimum Charisma value, use the Minimum field.

Does Hero Lab 5E SRD allow attributes to exceed 20?
Currently, player character attribute scores are capped at 20. You can change this by altering the Maximum field on the attribute.

The aStartMod field is for attribute modifiers from character creation. For example. racial stat modifiers are applied there. What precisely are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to give the character a minimum Charisma value, use the Minimum field.

I'm trying to check to ensure CHARISMA is less than 20. If so Add +1 Charisma.

You answer below rules out the requirement for this however.

Currently, player character attribute scores are capped at 20. You can change this by altering the Maximum field on the attribute.
When looking for these sorts of things, I like to look at something similar and adapt it. So, I'd be checking the code from the Ioun Stone of Leadership for this - that increases Charisma by 2, to a maximum of 20.

So, the feat would include the code
hero.child[aCHA].field[Bonus].value += 1
to add the charisma bonus.