Hey guys I ran the ddi downloader and at the end of the process I didn't get any unusual messages or anything. I did get one ! during the process and I didn't notice where the downloader said it was going back to try and get it again (did it just do it automatically and not tell me?).
Anyway everything seemed fine until I looked at the output.txt file. I see a few errors that I was wondering if should worry about...
1. This one was in the middle of the feats section;
Downloading http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/feat.aspx?id=295
Subscribe page encountered unexpectedly.
Attempting Relogin...
Login succeeded.
Downloading http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/feat.aspx?id=295
2. At lot of these at the bottom where (I guess) it is trying to create entries in hero lab...
No field value present for field dtyDomin (thing Arawai).
No field value present for field dtyPriests (thing Arawai).
3. and
Generating ritual entries... No key skill present for ritual Drowsy Dust
No key skill present for ritual Eyesting
4. also at the bottom are a ton of these alerts (for various items)
No lookup id found for group ItemSlot, tag Artifact (thing Zax, Cloak of Kings)
Anyway the point is there were a lot of error messages at the bottom which I am unsure about. Will someone have a look fast and see if they are things I should worry about, and if so how do i fix them?
...OK well I tried very hard to attach the output.txt and then tried to cut and paste with spoiler tags, apparently the forums widdle nub nubs cant hawndwul
all uv dat twext. Awwwwww...
It'd be nice to able to post my output so i can get some help, just saying..
At any rate, thanks you for anyone who looked at that for me. It seems to be working for the most part in hero lab itself. I'm concerned about these errors though.
Anyway everything seemed fine until I looked at the output.txt file. I see a few errors that I was wondering if should worry about...
1. This one was in the middle of the feats section;
Downloading http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/feat.aspx?id=295
Subscribe page encountered unexpectedly.
Attempting Relogin...
Login succeeded.
Downloading http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/feat.aspx?id=295
2. At lot of these at the bottom where (I guess) it is trying to create entries in hero lab...
No field value present for field dtyDomin (thing Arawai).
No field value present for field dtyPriests (thing Arawai).
3. and
Generating ritual entries... No key skill present for ritual Drowsy Dust
No key skill present for ritual Eyesting
4. also at the bottom are a ton of these alerts (for various items)
No lookup id found for group ItemSlot, tag Artifact (thing Zax, Cloak of Kings)
Anyway the point is there were a lot of error messages at the bottom which I am unsure about. Will someone have a look fast and see if they are things I should worry about, and if so how do i fix them?
...OK well I tried very hard to attach the output.txt and then tried to cut and paste with spoiler tags, apparently the forums widdle nub nubs cant hawndwul
all uv dat twext. Awwwwww...
It'd be nice to able to post my output so i can get some help, just saying..
At any rate, thanks you for anyone who looked at that for me. It seems to be working for the most part in hero lab itself. I'm concerned about these errors though.