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Dungeons of Drakkenheim


New member
Hi. Long time user, first time poster. :D Real name Andrew, he/him.

Is anyone else playing the Dungeons of Drakkenheim campaign setting by the Dungeon Dudes?

I'm trying to use Hero Lab Classic to run this game, since I've been using it for ages and I love it. However, there are a lot of customised monsters, items, and backgrounds that don't work with just Adjustments. I am having to dive deep into the Editor, and I am waaay out of my league here. So if it's okay I'd like to ask some questions here as I work my way through it.

So first: what is the recommended site for tutorials? I don't want to ask questions that are readily answered just by RTFM, because that would just be annoying. Given this setting I'm sure that there are going to be situations that are not covered by tutorials, but a good site for learning would be a fantastic start. I've checked wolflair.com and there doesn't seem to be anything there.

Thanks in advance.