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(Drop Dead Studios) Spheres of Power: Official Support Thread

I messaged Adam on the Kickstarter for Spheres of Guile.
He said that WhiteUnggoy has not responded to any of his emails in quite some time.

Not sure if anything has happened to him or if he's just abandoned the project or is simply too busy with life at the moment.

Also not sure if Drop Dead Studios is looking for a replacement for Hero Lab files or not.
If they make more HL files for Spheres, I'll keep buying them.
At this stage, we might have everything we're going to have.
That's a shame. I'd buy them as well especially a mythic one

I'm trying to recreate a third party ability (sphere's of power) to increase the number of talents in a seperate tab. Specifically the sphere arcanists moldable talents however they seem to have created them since its an archetype by not using the custom abilities option. I've tried to increase them using primary, secondary, tertiary, quarternary and quintary abilities as well as class ability range and value. The last two did allow me to select moldable talents but not change the number I had. So I tried to track down where they came from.

The sphere arcanist does have a bootstrap to cSoPMoldableTalen or moldable talents and that has a bootstrap to cfgSoPMoldTalents which contains the following script . . .

field[cfgLevel].value += hero.childfound[cHelpArc].field[cTotalLev].value
var bon as number
bon = field[cfgLevel].value + 1
bon = round(bon/2,0,-1)
field[cfgMax1].value += bon

I'm fairly sure this is saying to calculate the total arcanist level and assign a number of moldable talents equal to half that total. However changing it doesn't seem easy to do if I for example change cHelpArc to the archwizard it'll either fail or create a new tab for that class. Does anyone have advice on how I could get archwizard to increase the arcanists moldable talents by 5 when its as far as I can tell a hardcoded ability you can't add or subtract from like normal magic talents?
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I messaged Adam on the Kickstarter for Spheres of Guile.
He said that WhiteUnggoy has not responded to any of his emails in quite some time.

Not sure if anything has happened to him or if he's just abandoned the project or is simply too busy with life at the moment.

WhiteUnggoy's last post to this thread (or any other) was April 2022, though he was on the forum at the start of September. Hopefully he's just had a crazy year like many of us.
He hasn't been responding to Adam's (Drop Dead Studios) emails.

I hope that he's okay, and that life has just gotten crazy.
That does happen from time to time.
And HL coding is something done on the side, not a main job.
I've been tinkering with making a new sphere from scratch and setting it up in hero lab -- but while I've managed to get one defined and staged as far as I can tell identical to the existing spheres, for some reason it won't create a new tab for itself when a character gains it as a talent. Is there some behind the scenes / extra step that needs to be done that someone might be kind enough to clue me in on?

Edit: I figured it out, hoo boy .dat files. Minor UI thing but I couldn't figure out how to get the custom sphere tab to have similar messaging e.g. 'No more Bonus ____ Talents can be added' in the selection panel, just a blank slat. It still functions to click on and all, I just have no clue where the structuring or messaging for that sort of thing is kept among the resources.
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As an example, the shield sphere's tab is here:

The resource that counts available shield talents is resSMCTShield and in these files:
DDS_SpheresOfMight - Helper Things.user
DDS_SpheresOfMight - Spheres.user

You will need both somSpShield and somTlSpShield plus any talents, drawbacks, etc.

The Tab file references forms in the DDS_SpheresOfMight - Forms.dat file and uses the SoMSphTab.Shield tag to know when to display. This is pushed to the hero by SoMTalent component script at eval index 13 (Final/50000).

If you examine the interactions of all the components of the Shield sphere, you can replicate.
Since we're unlikely to get any new official HL PF1e content, has anybody made any progress on making their own conversions of the Mythic Spheres content? I have 2 players who are interested in converting to Spheres magic, so I bought the Ultimate Spheres package, but we're also playing with Mythic Tiers. For now, we're looking through those pdfs and using simple filler code spots - but if anybody has made even partial progress on Mythic Spheres content, I'd be happy to try and help with what little skills I bring to the table!
After few years of Hero Lab abstinence, I got this error now when compiling. It sounds like it has to do something with the Spheres of Power Hero Lab Files:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.
The following errors occurred:
Thing Extension 'sopDbWldMg' - Tag 'sopDbWildMagicVar' not defined
After few years of Hero Lab abstinence, I got this error now when compiling. It sounds like it has to do something with the Spheres of Power Hero Lab Files:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.
The following errors occurred:
Thing Extension 'sopDbWldMg' - Tag 'sopDbWildMagicVar' not defined
I've cut back on the third party packages and can confirm that this combination (below) works:
- Ultimate Spheres of Power (v1.42 115 files)
- Pathfinder Pack (v1.20, 524 files)
- Pathfinder Gestalt (v1.1, 6 files)
- Spheres of Might (v1.15, 42 files)
- Spheres of Power (v1.1, 75 files)

Not sure why my Champions of the Spheres shows as Spheres of Power, but without that one I don't get Sage/Prodigy/Troubadour and with it I get those three classes from Champions.

I removed Wild a while back, I don't remember why but no one in our group was ever using it, so it had some kind of issue and I just removed it to deal with that.

Every time I start up Hero Lab, it has the wrong version number of Ultimate Spheres, and the program offers to do an update. The update gives me the version I already have and again offers to update. If I say no, it opens and runs fine.
Hey, problems! Same errors as everyone else. Well, just one initially: the Wild Magic error. I originally had these gifted to me by a friend, so I had to rebuy Ultimate Spheres of Power to reinstall them... at which point, I started getting more errors.


I see other people have managed to fix them, and on the store page it says to use the shadowsoftware link---but while the pdf is still readable, it doesn't fix this for me. Going to the core site, it appears to now belong to someone else? This is reinforced by the fact that it insists I have no updates available for Spheres, despite being an older version. Does anyone have the patched files, so that I can maybe fix this please?

I have just wasted $30 otherwise.
Hey, problems! Same errors as everyone else. Well, just one initially: the Wild Magic error. I originally had these gifted to me by a friend, so I had to rebuy Ultimate Spheres of Power to reinstall them... at which point, I started getting more errors.

View attachment 6959

I see other people have managed to fix them, and on the store page it says to use the shadowsoftware link---but while the pdf is still readable, it doesn't fix this for me. Going to the core site, it appears to now belong to someone else? This is reinforced by the fact that it insists I have no updates available for Spheres, despite being an older version. Does anyone have the patched files, so that I can maybe fix this please?

I have just wasted $30 otherwise.
I got the files from drivethrurpg. I don't think there is a shadowsoftware link for them.

It is my understanding the individual handbooks from before Ultimate Spheres of Power don't work with USoP. So you need to uninstall them to install USoP 1.42 and Champions 1.52 then Might 1.23 to make it work. The 3 after being Generals, Bear, and Wild Magic seem to work ok but Wild Magic has the configure hero part broken it seems. (shows at top as pSoPWildMagic)

This combo works for me:


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The SoP files are only available from drivethruRPG, they are not community files. The first page of this thread has a list of SoP releases, and version numbers. It looks like the last update was 2022, and to get updates you need an update link...
"if you look in the .zip file that you receive from Drivethru, you'll find a readme file. This file contains a step-by-step walkthrough showing you how to enter a URL into Hero Lab, after which Hero Lab will use that URL to detect any available updates when it starts up. You will need to do this for every SoP/SoM data pack you install, because they all get checked for updates independently."
Unfortunately, the person working on the SoP files hasn't been on the forum since the end of 2022.
IronGolem has passed away, RIP.
WhiteUnggoy hasn't been on the forums or responded to anything since 2022.
IronGolem has passed away, RIP.
WhiteUnggoy hasn't been on the forums or responded to anything since 2022.
Sad news to hear. He was a great contributor to the forums, particularly with all his work creating the Sphere's files.