Hey question for you, and I apologize if this has already been addressed! I started getting error messages and not being able to use SoP/SoM material a while back, and I just started trying to troubleshoot it. I have tried deleting all the files (including non-spheres 3rd party updates) and reinstalling them, reinstalling the Pathfinder data file entirely, and I upgraded to USoP and deleted all the basic SoP files and handbooks to see if there was any conflict there. So far, nothing has worked. The specific error message changes occasionally, but nothing lets it load.
Currently, I have Ultimate Spheres v1.42, Spheres of Might v1.20, Champions of the Spheres v1.5, and the Pathfinder Pack v1.20. The below is my current error message. When I try deleting the Pathfinder pack, the message changes but seems to be referencing things that are in that pack (it seems to be trying to find something from the Path of War, for instance). I can try to recreate that error and post the results if it would help.
The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.
The following errors occurred:
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBladeMagic' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrED' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrMA' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrMMk' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrMShf' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrMSoul' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrProd' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpBlendTrVect' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpCombatTalent' (Eval Script '#1') on line 1
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpCombatTalen2' (Eval Script '#1') on line 1
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenBP' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenCR' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenCS' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenCW' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenCWI' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpCraftGenFR' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMScholar' not defined
Syntax error in 'bootstrap #1 condition' tag expression for Thing 'cChSpEmerStep'
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMSent' not defined
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpExtraGadgets' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'cSoMGadgets' used by script
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpFocusedAssau' on line 1
-> Tag 'HasAbility.cSoMRapidAssault' not defined
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpMentalManeuv' (Eval Script '#1') on line 4
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTBrute' used by script
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'cChSpSpellbreaker' on line 1
-> Tag 'Classes.SoMArmiger' not defined
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpStyleTalent' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'resSMCTGen' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cChSpTradTinker' (Eval Script '#1') on line 1
-> Non-existent thing 'cSoMGadgets' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cfgChSpReanTrain' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Non-existent thing 'SoMCTAdpt' used by script
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'fChSpUnarmMaster' on line 1
-> Tag 'HasAbility.somTlUnarmoredTr' not defined