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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Dread Witch - Master of Terror


Well-known member
This class ability says you get Bane and Doom spells added to your spell list. Currently, it doesn't add them (at least to bard). How can I set this up so it has a drop-down to select the caster (like it does for the other levels to add a caster level) and then have it add the spells to the class?
This class ability says you get Bane and Doom spells added to your spell list. Currently, it doesn't add them (at least to bard). How can I set this up so it has a drop-down to select the caster (like it does for the other levels to add a caster level) and then have it add the spells to the class?

Custom Expression: component.BaseClHelp & CasterSrc.Arcane
Restrict to: All Picks on Hero

Add the following script at Post-Attributes/10000

~ Add Bane and Doom to chosen arcane spell list.
 doneif (field[usrChosen1].ischosen = 0)

 field[usrChosen1].chosen.field[cSpellExpr].text &= " | (thingid.spBane1 | thingid.spDoom1)"

I've added this for the next release.

NOTE: Please include a source book when reporting an issue.
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