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DnD 5E Fighting Styles do not print


New member
I followed the instructions to download the DnD 5E SRD community pack and it worked great and enabled me to fully create DnD 5E characters.

However, when I print my fighter, it does not print any of the fighting styles that I select even though they are available during the character creation.

I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong and would appreciate any feedback.

Thank you.
There are two things I can think of; first, do you have 'Show Feat/Ability descriptions' and 'Include with Each Thing' toggled on under Output Options at the bottom of the Configure Hero sheet? (same place where you choose source packs). Second, some Fighting Styles won't show regardless like Defense or Dueling, those are automatically shown in your AC and weapon damage bonus respectively (assuming you meet requirements). Otherwise they should appear in the Special Abilities section of the PDF.
Thank you so much Pirogoeth for your assistance.
I tried the output options and it did not work.
However, it is as you say that Defense, the one that I chose, will not show.
It does show up under my AC correctly, but I had assumed it would display it since otherwise you cannot tell where the extra +1 AC is coming from.
I appreciate your time.
Take care.