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Data Model for SR5E for editing files


New member
Hey all

Pretty new to editing - been implementing some house rules and different interpretations for our group.

While copying what is already there works pretty good, is there a better way to explore the entire data model used?

Here is an example. My group believes Progeria trait should apply to (among other differences) the Lift / Carry pool. I found this eval that works for memory tests

perform #dicepool[aoMemory,-,2,""]

And so, there should be some dice pool name for Lift Carry to use instead of aoMemory. I'm going to try every combination I can thing of, of ao, Lift, and Carry... but there must be a better way :)

Also, as a second side note - is there a setting to be able to clone items from supplements, or do those need to be created by hand every single time?


Develop menu...Enable Data File Debugging - once that's checked, you can right-click "Lifting & Carrying" and see several debug menus - choose "Copy Unique Id (aoLifting) to clipboard".

In the editor, choose the "New (Copy)" button to copy an existing item. On the right-hand side, around the middle is a setting called "Replaces thing Id" - fill in the Id of what you want to replace in order to make your new creation a replacement for it.