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Custom Output: Name Tents?


New member
It would be great to have either Official or Custom printing options for Character Name Tents, across all game systems.

I currently use Pathfinder/Starfinder, but also enjoy Call of Cthulhu and other games.

Anyone else things this is a good idea?
It's a folded piece of paper with your character's name and information on it so the other players and the GM know who you are.
It would be great to have either Official or Custom printing options for Character Name Tents, across all game systems.

I currently use Pathfinder/Starfinder, but also enjoy Call of Cthulhu and other games.

Anyone else things this is a good idea?

Cool as this seems, you could do it in Microsoft Publisher pretty quickly. Then you can print them off and take them to Kinkos or a copy place and get note pads made out of them. That's what my group did for notes and it wasn't that expensive.
Yes, but HeroLab is such a great program, it should have an option for those, they are useful for all game systems.

But then you don't get to mispronounce their names for the entire session based on what you heard them call themselves at the very beginning of that session (or even entire campaign). :)
Yes, but HeroLab is such a great program, it should have an option for those, they are useful for all game systems.

I'm glad you think our program is great, but part of the reason it is the way it is, is because we try to focus on our core mission, which is the creation and maintainance of characters. While "name tents" are a good idea, they strike me as something which is outside our core mission, and as other people have already said, there are several other options easily available.
I'm glad you think our program is great, but part of the reason it is the way it is, is because we try to focus on our core mission, which is the creation and maintainance of characters. While "name tents" are a good idea, they strike me as something which is outside our core mission, and as other people have already said, there are several other options easily available.
Custom/Community created content would solve this problem.

*cough*HLO editor*cough* ;) :D :) :eek:
Name tents are something that has been talked about before, and I know some people like them. I've written up a case for them in our to-do list, but I can't promise anything about when we will be able to add them. Adding them will be on a game system-by-game system basis, since the information that's useful varies from system to system. In HLC, the custom output option already offers the tools to support this, so users are able to build their own tent designs (if they know how to use XLST and html).

I think there may need to be several options, in order to handle this properly, since some users will just want names, some will want images, some will want ACs/Init mod/space for current init roll/saves/perception/etc. all on the tent.
I wish there was an option to use XSLT with HLO, even if we had to do it externally. We'll have to wait until we get an appropriate output format.

I wish there was an option to use XSLT with HLO, even if we had to do it externally. We'll have to wait until we get an appropriate output format.


Internally, we have an XML format that's dynamically generating almost all of the UI, including the print view. Once we open up user content that should allow for some pretty broad custom outputs.
I know that the name tents I am most familiar with normally have your characters Name, players Name, and character Portrait on one side to help everyone remember each others names during the games... and on the backside I normally put My Init Bonus and Perception, because those seem to come up a lot. :D It's not that hard to manually create, and there are templates you can download... but LOTS of things aren't hard to create and it's still nice when the character generation/tracking software takes care of it. Just like I could create my own power cards in 4e, but it was nice to be able to just print them out and cut them up.