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Create Game Session from Game session pannel


Well-known member
It would be great if I could create a game session from the manage ribbon -> Realm and game session section.

This would speed up entering the historic game sessions into the system.

I would love to get all my game sessions in here as I still use oneNote for keeping track of the sessions.

The whole creating the session with stop/start times really does very little for me. We start at 7:30pm, we end sometime between 11:30 and 2:00am. These times are really unimportant but I am forced to capture them. I just want somewhere to list sessions with RICH TEXT of what happened in them. being able to embed links to story/world almanacs would also be awesome.
We capture the time so then you can show what has been revealed during the last (or current) game session.
Is this feature already working? I didn't get sessions saved. Should I send a bug report or is it in work?
This calendar feature will be ESSENTIAL and I can't wait for it to be live. The REAL world time should be a choice. You may also consider a manual REAL time in and out. But, for me, the only time and date needed HERE is GAME world. A Global Game date and time is also essential. Then when you add a Date snippet in a topic it could tell if the date entered is FUTURE and NOT allow reveal till the range is present or past. NOTE: Game time may not be a number. I like D&D and in Forgotten Realms (and other worlds) the day "times" are WORDS. So time may need a switch to be NUMERIC or TEXT.

When you open a NOTE you should be able to hit a key and stamp the REAL and GAME world date and time into the notes.