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Cost of HLO?

So there is no possibility to save characters locally? I don't mind purchasing a product I log into online and can save the characters locally on my own drives.
Raw data exportation is on the roadmap for sometime in the future, FinrodSilver, if that is what you are looking for. Right now you can print your character sheet to PDF.
We’re planning to have statblock export, a data blob export that can be imported using a different HLO account (we have a user-unfriendly version of this already for admin purposes), and eventually a formatted JSON export suitable for use by third-party tools.

We’d also welcome any input on other export formats you would find useful that go beyond just saving a character sheet (specific app compatibility, that kind of thing).
If Starfinder would be released on Herolab Classic, could I migrate from HLO to classic? (transfer Starfinder and add-ons licenses)
We’re planning to have statblock export, a data blob export that can be imported using a different HLO account (we have a user-unfriendly version of this already for admin purposes), and eventually a formatted JSON export suitable for use by third-party tools.

We’d also welcome any input on other export formats you would find useful that go beyond just saving a character sheet (specific app compatibility, that kind of thing).

I wouldn't reject an XML export to match the XML data in the current portfolios. I use xPath to translate that data to MapTool properties...

But I could live with JSON if needed. Question, will we be able to "request" this export via a web api then (vs manual menu -> export option)? I'm assuming/hoping that a "GM" can request all the PC characters via unique URL and get exported data for use in third party tools...
I wouldn't reject an XML export to match the XML data in the current portfolios. I use xPath to translate that data to MapTool properties...
I think we could fit an XML export too. We'll have to think about the details, since the Starfinder character internals are different in a few ways (some subtle, some major) from existing game systems.

Question, will we be able to "request" this export via a web api then (vs manual menu -> export option)? I'm assuming/hoping that a "GM" can request all the PC characters via unique URL and get exported data for use in third party tools...
That's definitely the idea. We're still deciding the details of direct API usage, but we're thinking about both direct exports for players/GMs and real-time connections with virtual tabletop tools.
This question has never been answered to my satisfaction.

Once Pathfinder has been added to HLO and I transfer my Data sets to HLO when I buy new Data sets is it one purchase for both HLO and classic or do I have to by the data set twice to use on both programs?

Will there be an option/ability to transfer characters between the 2 programs?
This question has never been answered to my satisfaction.

Once Pathfinder has been added to HLO and I transfer my Data sets to HLO when I buy new Data sets is it one purchase for both HLO and classic or do I have to by the data set twice to use on both programs?


Will there be an option/ability to transfer characters between the 2 programs?

I can't find the comment(s) right now, but it has been said that this is a planned feature.
That answer did not actually really clearly answer my questions.

Q: After I migrate, will my purchases show up in both Hero Lab Online and Hero Lab Classic.
A: So long as your purchase is available in both versions of the program, they sure will!

Does that include purchases made after the migration as well or just the ones prior to the migration?
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That answer did not actually really clearly answer my questions.

Q: After I migrate, will my purchases show up in both Hero Lab Online and Hero Lab Classic.
A: So long as your purchase is available in both versions of the program, they sure will!

Does that include purchases made after the migration as well or just the ones prior to the migration?

It includes whatever game systems are included in both versions. So for Pathfinder, any purchases made, past or future, will be available in both systems.

For Starfinder and any future systems which are only available in HLO, your purchases will only be available in HLO, because the content will only be available in HLO.

Either way, you won't have to buy the same thing twice.
Say I decide to migrate to HLO after Pathfinder becomes available, and 6 months later decide to cancel my HLO subscription (for whatever reason), will I still have access to my HLC licensed content?
Can we assume the cost of the sub will be the same regardless of number of game systems we own? (assuming Pathfinder and others become available).
The cost of the sub will not change once Pathfinder is brought over. If you've never owned Pathfinder you'd still have to purchase it as you normally would but the sub will remain the same whether you own Starfinder or Starfinder and Pathfinder.
Thanks and awesome! I won't be playing Starfinder all year long but Starfinder + Pathfinder will definitely == year long subs...
What's the pricing for additional devices? Looking at purchasing the Starfinder package, and the description says that it's possible to add additional simultaneous devices, but it doesn't say how much that's going to be.

The FAQ also states that if you have additional licenses for Hero Lab Classic (or whatever it is that you're calling it), those will translate over to simultaneous devices for HLO. Is this immediately? If not, and I purchase additional devices for Starfinder, what happens when I migrate Pathfinder over to HLO? Do I suddenly have access to way more devices than I need?
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If not, and I purchase additional devices for Starfinder, what happens when I migrate Pathfinder over to HLO? Do I suddenly have access to way more devices than I need?

It isn't a one-way migration; so you can still use the desktop/iPad version of HL with your existing licenses :-)
Features Comming Soon

It is not $70 per year. As with HL Classic you have to buy the content. The Starfinder CRB is $34.99 and comes with six month of server usage. Going forward the cost is $2.00/month for the server fee.

Thanks for clearing that up, I was a bit confused as well, of course that isn't always hard to do in my case (snicker).

Anyway, it seems like this version is very much like the beta, just a character creation program. Is there any sort of time frame for the coming soon features listed below?

Coming soon!
Look to the future for even more functionality with features such as:

• Tactical Console
• Encounter Builder
• Offline View
• Streamlined Starship Management for the Whole Party
• Party Loot Management
• GM-Player Interaction
• Player-to-Player Collaboration
• And more!

Would hate to spend the 180 days of server access when the features I'm truly excited about have yet to be activated or beta tested.

Thanks! :)
What's the pricing for additional devices? Looking at purchasing the Starfinder package, and the description says that it's possible to add additional simultaneous devices, but it doesn't say how much that's going to be.
We have no idea on cost yet and its not currently possible to add additional devices for Starfinder. I expect to NOT see this feature until they move over Pathfinder.

The FAQ also states that if you have additional licenses for Hero Lab Classic (or whatever it is that you're calling it), those will translate over to simultaneous devices for HLO. Is this immediately? If not, and I purchase additional devices for Starfinder, what happens when I migrate Pathfinder over to HLO? Do I suddenly have access to way more devices than I need?
Most likely won't see anything for additional devices until Pathfinder comes to HLO. Hopefully at that time we have more detailed answers but it would mean you won't have to worry about buying for Starfinder and having too many when pathfinder comes over.