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Community Files

2. The 3.5E community packs have existed for many years (nearly a decade). They were started back before 4E was even released. So the assumption that community files for 5E would be summarily shutdown by Wizards is not accurate. The first real question is whether the community files violate Wizards' copyright protections. Copyright protects the expression of an idea - not the idea itself - and it is not possible to copyright mechanics (that requires a patent). That means Wizards can absolutely require that users don't re-use the names, images, or complete descriptive text of anything they create - and they should. However, reproducing the mechanics of a particular feat or path is not covered by copyright protection. This means that a community-driven effort is viable, provided that it avoids using protected names (e.g. rename Mind Flayer to something similarly suggestive), omits all images, and paraphrases any descriptions. With those criteria met, I believe the community pack would generally be safe. Disclaimer: I'm NOT a lawyer, but I’ve talked to one extensively about this, and this is my understanding.

Correct, and then if you still want to full text and real names of things, once you bring in the data, it would be super easy to just go in and add the full text and real names of things on your own at that point :)
Ok, cool, so the mechanics within the text of the feat is ok then.

Alright, I think we have a good template to get started. I guess then we need a project manager to get everything organized. Where is Shadow when we need him, lol ;-)
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Ok, cool, so the mechanics within the text of the feat is ok then.

Alright, I think we have a good template to get started. I guess then we need a project manager to get everything organized. Where is Shadow when we need him, lol ;-)
I am here and while willing to host and answer questions I am not a 5e person at all and never plan to be. But allot of HL scripting is the same and the things to watch out for is the same.

The first thing the community wants is to standardize your file names and break up the .user files by Editor Tabs. Decided "now" what two digit ID the community is going to use and set that into the editor ("Tools->Set User Identifier...") and "enforce this". I would also advise setting up a GitHub repository right off the bat to get everyone using so that Source Control can be done from the get go.

Hosting files is one thing but someone else needs to "lead". :)
I think the GitHub repository is a good idea. It's a little more involved than the editor. So maybe someone who has coding experience and wants to take the lead with the 5e files. I would, but I am just starting to learn GitHub and it's a little over my head. MagicSN would this be something you would be interested in overseeing?
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Maybe an easy way to start would be a place for everyone to post their user files and what is being worked on. So we can all work together. Maybe a yahoo or google group. Something like that. Any ideas?