Sorry, should have posted this earlier - I got distracted by other projects!
Here's a user file with both 'Master of Radiance' and 'Master of Shrouds' (LM). I believe I coded both fully - except that it looks like I had some problem with giving the extra rebuking to the MoS, so it's offered as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Thank you!
Here're these Dark Knight classes. I'm working on some other classes as well. Wanna tackle Legion next.
Knight of the Thorn is tricky.
So far I only have it working with wizard by granting it a second specialization from a variant class. It wigs out when I take Practiced Spellcaster though (only discovered that last night).
One of my players has a rudimentary Anarchic Initiate underway. I'll be looking at the Constructor soon™ for another player.
Also, unrelated but I'm wondering if there is a way to set a 'magic level' as a prereq? And what coding would I put in if I wanted a feature to increase natural attack damage by a fixed number (like +2 to slam)?
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