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Community Created 3.5 D&D data set....


I am looking to build the Mystic Ranger variant class, the Beastmaster Prestige class, and the Pious Templar class. Any tips you can give me for those?

I am looking to build the Mystic Ranger variant class, the Beastmaster Prestige class, and the Pious Templar class. Any tips you can give me for those?

I don't know anything about the Mystic Ranger variant class. The Beastmaster cannot be fully implemented at this time because HL does not allow for multiple animal companions. Pious Templar will be available in the next release of the community set.

Beyond that, my suggestion would be to look at other things that have already been done. If you run into a specific issue, feel free to ask. Unfortunately, general questions like this are difficult to answer.

You've got more mail from me, Eberron Campaign Setting special Materials, Weapons and Armor. I'm looking at the Eberron data and it appears we're missing most of the feats from the campaign setting. I can add them but it may take time to get the scripting of the effects done.

You've got more mail from me, Eberron Campaign Setting special Materials, Weapons and Armor. I'm looking at the Eberron data and it appears we're missing most of the feats from the campaign setting. I can add them but it may take time to get the scripting of the effects done.

Yea. The Eberron content is pretty underwhelming at the moment. Unfortunately, there's only so much time in a day, and its just not high on my priority list. I'm grateful for anything you can provide.
Yea. The Eberron content is pretty underwhelming at the moment. Unfortunately, there's only so much time in a day, and its just not high on my priority list. I'm grateful for anything you can provide.

I run this campaign enough that adding content is rather necessary for me simply to have it. So you'll be getting the benefit from me of having this data for the community. I have to say some of the harder stuff was already done such as adding the Artificer class. I'm not exactly fast when it comes to adding Prestige classes though, unless one of my players brings one to my attention and says they want to use one I usually code those as the last thing in a book because of how time consuming they are to add. I'd rather have the majority of the small stuff that needs to be in there done (like feats) because my players tend to use those, and I will often use them to flesh out characters as well when building NPCs. I noticed no one was really doing Eberron so I figured I'd just start adding the data. I just wish these d20 files were not so out of date.
I don't know anything about the Mystic Ranger variant class. The Beastmaster cannot be fully implemented at this time because HL does not allow for multiple animal companions. Pious Templar will be available in the next release of the community set.

Beyond that, my suggestion would be to look at other things that have already been done. If you run into a specific issue, feel free to ask. Unfortunately, general questions like this are difficult to answer.

Thank you for the notes. I will focus on the Mystic Ranger.

It's from a Dragon Magazine, however it completely reshapes the ranger. It loses it's fifth favored enemy, Slower progression on favored enemy and Combat Style, and has no animal companion. It does however gain massive spell casting upgrades.

When I do a variant class, I cannot seem to get the items to change progression. Also, my spellcasting changes do not take effect. So I think with the overhaul, it might be better to just make it its own class.

When I try it as its own class, The bonus feats for the class do not add, and the favored enemy never show up. The Spells work fine though.

So, I guess I am stuck at a design point in deciding which path to take. Any suggestions on which one and also how to fix the problems?
When I do a variant class, I cannot seem to get the items to change progression. Also, my spellcasting changes do not take effect. So I think with the overhaul, it might be better to just make it its own class.

When I try it as its own class, The bonus feats for the class do not add, and the favored enemy never show up. The Spells work fine though.

Yea, getting favored enemies to work with a new class is a major pain in the behind. I recommend sticking with the variant class method.

You'll need to use a script to play around with the field feTotal from cFavEnemy. I've done some work in this area, but its been a while. I don't remember the timing you'll need to use, but you should be able to set up some kind of if statement to address this. If you get stuck, I may be able to take a crack at it in the next few days.

What are the changes to the spellcasting and how are you trying to implement them?
Yea, getting favored enemies to work with a new class is a major pain in the behind. I recommend sticking with the variant class method.

You'll need to use a script to play around with the field feTotal from cFavEnemy. I've done some work in this area, but its been a while. I don't remember the timing you'll need to use, but you should be able to set up some kind of if statement to address this. If you get stuck, I may be able to take a crack at it in the next few days.

What are the changes to the spellcasting and how are you trying to implement them?

Basically, the ranger gets some level 0 and level 5 spells, and gets a brand new spell progression starting at level 1. I was able to add the new spells in, but it will not let the character have the new spell levels.
Basically, the ranger gets some level 0 and level 5 spells, and gets a brand new spell progression starting at level 1. I was able to add the new spells in, but it will not let the character have the new spell levels.

You'll have to modify the spells cast per level table on the variant class you made to change the actual spellcasting table. That should fix it. I believe this can also be accomplished with scripts as well.
Lasher prestige class

Help out in what way? Do you want to create it yourself and need tips? Do you want to add it as a request for the community set? If so, what source is it from?

I have no idea how to create content, i'd love to be able to so if you could direct me to some sort of assistance program then i'd definitely look into it, but at the moment if someone could create it for me please then the prestige class comes from "Sword and Fist"
I have no idea how to create content, i'd love to be able to so if you could direct me to some sort of assistance program then i'd definitely look into it, but at the moment if someone could create it for me please then the prestige class comes from "Sword and Fist"

Hmm...that's one of the 3.0 class books. These books are not currently on my to-do list, though this is at least the second instance of people wanting a prestige class from one of those books. I could look into adding some of their content in the future, but it would have to wait a bit. I would recommend looking at how to add a class yourself, and if you get stuck feel free to ask questions. You can take a look at content in the current community set for some tips.
Hi guys, firstly thanks for all the effort which has gone into this custom content, I'm really enjoying having all those extra books in there.

I wanted to ask though - why is nightstick (magic rod from Libris Mortis) missing? Or have I just not got the right option ticked?

Hi guys, firstly thanks for all the effort which has gone into this custom content, I'm really enjoying having all those extra books in there.

I wanted to ask though - why is nightstick (magic rod from Libris Mortis) missing? Or have I just not got the right option ticked?


You're welcome.

The answer is really just that it hasn't been done yet. No particular reason as to why other than I suppose no one has had a need to do it. If you were to look at the Libris Mortis source file, you would probably find there are many things missing. I'll add it to the list.
So I'm quite new to using Hero Lab and I was wondering where should I look for information on how to add custom classes. I'd like to have the Geomancer class from Complete Divine, and no one else has added it yet. Or is someone out there working on adding it already?
So I'm quite new to using Hero Lab and I was wondering where should I look for information on how to add custom classes. I'd like to have the Geomancer class from Complete Divine, and no one else has added it yet. Or is someone out there working on adding it already?

I should be done with the Totemist soon (ie this week), which means I will be able to start adding in the PrC's that people have been requesting. I can add Geomancer to the list. As for doing it yourself, there are some video tutorials here:


These are for the Pathfinder editor, but you can still use most of it for d20 work. You can also take a look at how other classes were done in the community set, and go from there. If you run into a specific issue feel free to post a question. Someone is usually around to help.
I'd like to use the encounter builder to manage my combat inside HL. I'm afraid I know the answer already, but is there some kind of community pack so I can import some enemies? Even the Monster Manual would be a good start.

If not, do I have to add all the monster races as custom content?
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The races are already included in the files, but the stock portfolios were never built. So if you want those they'd have to be constructed into a file of stock creatures, which would take a good deal of time and probably multiple portfolios compiled into one .stock file to make it happen.
The races are already included in the files, but the stock portfolios were never built. So if you want those they'd have to be constructed into a file of stock creatures, which would take a good deal of time and probably multiple portfolios compiled into one .stock file to make it happen.

Yep. This is something I've been considering as a second community set, but haven't gotten around to it. I know we need something like this for the encounter builder. Perhaps after the next release of the community set, I can start working on this.
Yep. This is something I've been considering as a second community set, but haven't gotten around to it. I know we need something like this for the encounter builder. Perhaps after the next release of the community set, I can start working on this.

This is no small project to take on, mate. You should consider having some users of the software help out. Doling out the projects in terms of a solid breakdown will get it done faster. There are a few hundred monsters in the Monster Manual to tackle and it won't be a small feat to do the entire book.