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Changing Proficiency Groups?


Well-known member
The dataset I’m working on classifies weapons, armor, tools and gear as Basic, Advanced, Improvised, etc. instead of just Simple or Martial (or Special).

1) If I create a tag group of EquipmentCat.xxx, what would be the best way to give the proficiency on that item to the hero?

2) Rather than creating a ArmProfGrp.WepBasic, ArmorBasic, etc. is there a way to display the proficiencies as “Equipment: Basic, Advanced” instead of “Weapons: Basic Weapons, Advanced Weapons
Armor: Basic Armor, Advanced Armor” on the Class tab and descriptions?

I think I tried to play with this when I built out the full complement of firearms from the DMG. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain this is the sort of thing that's hardcoded into the 5e system. I never found a way to make a whole new "set" of weapons that can be treated the same way as martial, simple, etc.
I think I tried to play with this when I built out the full complement of firearms from the DMG. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain this is the sort of thing that's hardcoded into the 5e system. I never found a way to make a whole new "set" of weapons that can be treated the same way as martial, simple, etc.
Well, I found a partial workaround at least I think. It doesn't do anything about the sorting on the Armory tab, but I do get the proficiency for each weapon working correctly...

1) Added these tags to a mechanic
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatBasic" name="Gear - Basic" abbrev="Basic"/>
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatAdv" name="Gear - Advanced" abbrev="Advanced"/>
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatHist" name="Gear - Historical" abbrev="Historical"/>
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatImprov" name="Gear - Improvised" abbrev="Improvised"/>
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatMil" name="Gear - Military" abbrev="Military"/>
2) tagged the weapons with those Custom tags
  <thing id="wEHDagger" name="Dagger" compset="Weapon">
    <fieldval field="gSizeCost" value="1"/>
    <fieldval field="gWeight" value="1"/>
    <fieldval field="wDieCount" value="1"/>
    <fieldval field="wDieSize" value="4"/>
    <fieldval field="wRangeNorm" value="40"/>
    <fieldval field="wRangeLong" value="80"/>
    <usesource source="srcEverydayH"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="Thrown"/>
    <tag group="EquipType" tag="Metal"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="Finesse"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="Light"/>
    <tag group="wCategory" tag="Melee"/>
    <tag group="DamageType" tag="dtPiercing"/>[B]
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatBasic"/>[/B]
  <thing id="wEHGrenLauncher" name="Grenade Launcher" description="Grenade launchers are often attached to an assault rifle, but standalone launchers exist. They fire a large grenade cartridge at greater ranges than they could be thrown. Launched grenades are designed to explode on impact rather than based on a timer." compset="Weapon">
    <fieldval field="wRangeNorm" value="300"/>
    <fieldval field="wRangeLong" value="600"/>
    <fieldval field="gSizeCost" value="3"/>
    <fieldval field="gWeight" value="2"/>
    <usesource source="srcEverydayH"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="Always2H"/>
    <tag group="EquipType" tag="Metal"/>
    <tag group="wProfReq" tag="Special"/>
    <tag group="wGroup" tag="Military" name="Military Weapons"/>
    <tag group="wCategory" tag="RangeProj"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="Restricted" name="Restricted"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="Indirect" name="Indirect"/>
    <tag group="wProperty" tag="TwoHanded"/>[B]
    <tag group="Custom" tag="EHGearCatMil"/>[/B]
3) It looks like the forwarding of the ARMProfGrp.xxx tags happens sometime in the post levels. I added this script to the mechanic at PreAttr/100
~ Add Basic Weapon Prof
if (hero.tagis[ArmProfGrp.WepBasic] <> 0) then
  foreach thing in BaseWep where "Custom.EHGearCatBasic"
    perform eachthing.pulltags[WepProf.?]

~ Add Military Weapon Prof
if (hero.tagis[ArmProfGrp.WepMilitary] <> 0) then
  foreach thing in BaseWep where "Custom.EHGearCatMil"
    perform eachthing.pulltags[WepProf.?]
    notify "(Mechanic) Military - " & eachthing.field[name].text


~ push Militaryweapon proficiency tags to hero
perform hero.pushtags[WepProf.?]
4) looking at the Armory tag, the Weapons show up when using the "Only Valid Items" option indicating proficiency.

Thoughts? That should work for the armor and tools too, right?