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Changeling Bug and Licence Renewal?


After at least a year, I dusted off my copy of HeroLab and updated the program as well as the WoD DataFile.

While making a new Changeling character, I noticed that they were allowing four Skill Specializations (when it should only be three). This may be a bug, which is why I am reporting it. However, it occured to me that I might have to renew my licence again, given that the other character types (mortals, ghouls, vampires, etc.) have the normal three specializations.

I am unclear as to how the licensing process works; I already purchased the WoD game file when I purchased the program a few years ago. When a file is updated, do I have to pay another licensing fee? Could this be why the skill Specializations are off for Changeling characters?

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.

File updates do not require a license purchase and licenses for Hero Lab never run out. ^_^ Unfortunately, I know nothing of WoD, so I can't help you past the license situation.
On page 73 of the Changeling core, it mentions that Changelings get an extra skill specialty in one of three skills:

Each seeming comes with a particular blessing
and curse, and the kiths add an additional blessing to the mix.
In addition, each changeling gets one free Specialty to Athletics,
Brawl or Stealth to reflect the physical changes of the
