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Build 125BF1B Commentary


Well-known member
These are things that I noticed in build 125BF1B:

1) I cannot move items into the container 'Dropped to Ground' because I no longer see the container interface on:
* Medkit, Basic
* Medkit, Advanced
* Hidden Soldier Armor

2) I cannot use the Bulk Carried Permanet modification to reduce the bulk I am carrying
These are things that I noticed in build 125BF1B:

1) I cannot move items into the container 'Dropped to Ground' because I no longer see the container interface on:
* Medkit, Basic
* Medkit, Advanced
* Hidden Soldier Armor

2) I cannot use the Bulk Carried Permanet modification to reduce the bulk I am carrying

I also just found that these features are now missing. I have things dropped to ground and in backpack from my earlier session, but now I cannot drop anything or put anything into backpack. Oops! Bad code merge?
Thanks for the heads up, and sorry about the bother. We did rebuild a bunch of our code between the last update and this one to get the performance improvements mentioned in the update post, so it looks like the bug crept in there. I'll make sure that's on our to-do list for our next bugfix update.
I'd like to remind everyone that when you're reporting a bug, specifics are really important. For example, in the first of these issues, I'd guess your ammo isn't in exact numbers that are exactly L bulk - for example, you've got two batteries stacked together, for 2L bulk, or 0.2, which rounds to 0 for display (but the real number is still used for your character's total bulk).

And on the piloting skill, are you certain it's the armor check penalty, or is it the penalty to all dexterity-based skills coming from encumbrance? In Starfinder, armor and encumbrance penalize slightly different lists of skills.
The menus for moving items between containers should now be showing up again, along with some other bug fixes and tweaks from today's update.
If by "heavy ammo" you mean "rounds, heavy", then the bulk for those is only L per 20 rounds, so 60 rounds is just 3L. Or did you mean 6 petrol tanks or 6 missiles?
Mathias, I apologize to you. I ended up getting snarky with you, and then found out that my snark was fueled by bad knowledge. I misunderstood how ammo bulk worked, and that caused my problem. I am sorry about that, and have cleared my previous posts since everything is, in fact, working as intended. Again, I'm sorry for my attitude to you.