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Bugs and questions

How do you add credits to a character?

Is there a way to search through gear without knowing which section its in?

When adding custom gear is there any way to set it to be L bulk? It seems to only accept numbers.

Adding profession tools does not add the +4 bonus to the profession skill once selected.

Adding a custom augmentation requires me to select a domain, it's not clear at all that this is actually "User Text 1".
How do you add credits to a character?
The Classes tab and the Starting Wealth section for initial wealth, then the Journal tab to add more credits on journal entries. We have some thoughts in mind for making money management more accessible, but we haven't settled on any specifics yet, so right now it's basically reusing the same structure from desktop HL.

Is there a way to search through gear without knowing which section its in?
Not yet, but that's planned. It's a more complicated subject than it sounds, since whatever we do has to handle the potentially 6000+ item lists in PF without any slowdowns. We initially had a simple text filter that we pulled for that reason. In the short term, grouped sections and toggle button filters for various categories should show up once we get through the other immediate piles of stuff (like finishing off stuff that needs refrobulating for NPCs and monsters).

When adding custom gear is there any way to set it to be L bulk? It seems to only accept numbers.
Good catch, it looks like that's a bug. I'll put fixing that on our to-do list.

Adding profession tools does not add the +4 bonus to the profession skill once selected.
You also have to equip it using the checkbox next to the tools on the Equipment tab or Play tab, or the Equip checkbox on the details view for it.

Adding a custom augmentation requires me to select a domain, it's not clear at all that this is actually "User Text 1".
That one's on our to-do list.
Entering 0.1 as an item's bulk will be shown as "L".

One teensy complication - we have it as an integer field (with displayDecimals: false), so that's not actually doable at the moment. :o We should be able to add a fix and some explanatory text quickly, though.
I tried to edit the starting wealth but there doesn't seem to be an option to do so. I think if you changed Equipment to Inventory you could then just have a quick add wealth button in there and it would be way easier than doing it through the journal which feels very clunky.

If you are using a database you could look into full text indexing of the names and shard the names into fragments which results in super fast keyword searching.

Thanks on the profession kit thing! That sorts it.

And thank you for the reply on the Bulk and Domain things.
I tried to edit the starting wealth but there doesn't seem to be an option to do so.

That's a little roundabout. You have to click the "Edit Starting Wealth" button, uncheck "Use Standard Starting Wealth", and then put in the values you want to use and click the "Accept Starting Wealth" button. We're looking at ways to streamline this, since the current setup was inherited from desktop HL.
You will see a + in the upper right corner of the Skills table. Clicking this will bring up a new menu where you can pick from the predefined professions mentioned in the Core Rulebook or you can choose Profession (INT/WIS/CHA) if you want to use a custom profession.

Hope this helps.
You will see a + in the upper right corner of the Skills table. Clicking this will bring up a new menu where you can pick from the predefined professions mentioned in the Core Rulebook or you can choose Profession (INT/WIS/CHA) if you want to use a custom profession.

Hope this helps.

That was just what I needed. Thanks very much!