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[Bug Reports] Storm of Magic

Question for you all -

You may only take 2 Scrolls of Binding in a game less than 2,999 points. So, for example, does this mean you can only have 2 Dragons of ANY type, or 2 Dragons of EACH type? I've read the section several times, but it can be read as either way.
"Each scroll of binding allows you to include one unit of bound monsters in your army" - Storm of Magic, page 84.
"Each scroll of binding allows you to include one unit of bound monsters in your army" - Storm of Magic, page 84.

Yes, but what counts as a 'scroll'? Is it the individual monster (I expect so), or the page in the book?

Page 86 has a Scroll Index. This lists, using my example again, Dragon as a single entry, rather than each sub-type.
It's each page in the book (or two-page spread in some cases); basically everything enclosed in the "scroll margin" page decoration. IE each entry in the scroll index is one scroll, so you can have two dragons in any combination of types/sizes, not two fire dragons and two emperor fire dragons etc..

I can't see how it could be any different, or you end up with a maximum of two griffons no matter what options they have and a maximum of eight, much rarer and more powerful, dragons not even counting the chaos versions, which doesn't make sense to me.
*EDIT* I don't actually remember trying to post this twice :\ (i.e., it takign too long and me being over-eager to post accidentally pressing it twice or something)
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You know what doesn't make sense to me? How Chaos Dragons can't use magic. Especially those that view themselves as Tzeentch's 'true champions.'

I guess it's because of the Exalted GD's and how they exist... but damn it let me have my cake and eat it too.
Just to let you know I'm still working on this, but progression has slowed down dramatically since my girlfriend got out of hospital as I need to look after her 24/7 until she recovers.
Wow, I hope she's going to be ok as that sounds really hardcore, like serious car accident hardcore...

She went into anaphalactic shock. Thought we were going to lose her for a few days. Not a pleasant time, I can tell you. She's going to make a full recovery now, but is weak as a kitten for the moment. Still don't know exactly what caused it, so a future of tests to look forward to...

Edited to add - I was up a few hours before anyone else this morning, so have actually made a lot of progress since yesterday. It isn't impossible that I will be done by weekend after all.

Edited again to add - Finished! The last part went alot quicker once I worked out how I wanted it to fit together. Will check it over, and will be released on Sat.
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That's great news and much earlier than I expected. How did you end up doing it? Just as a new army list like the old dogs of war?

Atm, I've just put in SoM costs as a running tally in the notes section more than anything else heh.
You work out your main army as normal. Then you create a second list, setting the max points at 25% of your main's cost. There are four new choices - Storm of Magic gives you Arcane Artefacts, Bound Monsters and all the Cantrips/Cataclysm spells, the other three also include the Sorcerous Pacts.

Consider this a 'get-you-by' version. Whilst it is fully functional, inspiration hit me last night of how to have a single file, rather than four, and it is still my aim to one day integrate into a single file for both main and Monsters & Magic.
I have a thought; how is Kairos fateweaver going to be handled re cataclysm spells? Does he get all cataclysm spells, or only cataclysm spells from the lore's you chose from? I'm presuming the second one, because the first option is just... well, 'overpowered' doesn't really do the situation justice imo.
Actually, nvm. It was a discussion that started out at my local GW with a friend, and at the time I didn't know, but after reading the outbox section in the Storm of Magic supplement I think the answer is that each entry in the list counts as one scroll of binding, which is I think how you've set it up anyway.
Hey Ultra Prime

Could you update the SoM section of bound monsters to include the Exalted Vermin Lord http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/SKAVEN-EXALTED-VERMIN-LORD.html


Also the description when 'choosing' a power scroll for an item describes it the old way, once added it turns up with the FAQ rules for it, but when choosing in magic item arcane section it still says rolls of doubles etc, thought u should know

also related to Vampire counts, when choosing the mount for manfredd the acolyte (barded nightmare) it gives a 'option error'
Forgeworld - Monstrous Arcanum

Hi. First, fantastic job keeping the data files up to date and accurate.

I have a few models that were featured in Monstrous Arcanum. The rules are not included in the Storm of Magic Expansion Bound Monsters. Has anyone given thought to adding them? If not, if I create a data file for them, could I then submit to you to include in the official rosters? Optimally this would be a new Special Rules to Allow Monstrous Arcanum Expansion, which adds a layer of complexity.

The rules for these are a FREE download on the forgeworld site:

Final Note. In the rules packet for the last Warhammer World event, all the forgeworld monsters are allowed, and interestingly they said to include them as Special choices. I don't know if it is possible to allow an option for these to be Special choices instead of bound.

I have a Magma Dragon, Preyton, and three Fimir Warriors that are eager to join the fray!