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[Bug Reports] Empire

upload bug

the new update for the Empire rules doesn't seem to load. After I initially load the newest 8th Edition update it keeps asking me if I want to upload the new update everytime I access the Armybuilder program for WFB 8th Edition..
Witch Hunters - Great Weapon & Brace of Pistols should not be mutually exclusive.

I think I fixed this, try re-uploading. Or I'm misunderstanding you, only just woke up lol

the new update for the Empire rules doesn't seem to load. After I initially load the newest 8th Edition update it keeps asking me if I want to upload the new update everytime I access the Armybuilder program for WFB 8th Edition..

Yeah, my fault. Just re-update and it will be fine (see thread further down).
The warp ate my response, so I will repost.

Detachments should count towards the minimum 3 units an army must have as detachments are no longer purchased as an upgrade to the parent unit, but as a unit that comes from the same section. This really only matters in small games, but as that is what I am trying to play right now, the red exclamation point gets tedious.:p
Small error:
I get an error when I give either a Captain or General a magic weapon and a Handgun/Pistol/Longbow.

Also, making a Captain BSB removes the ability to give him normal weapons.
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Empire Errors from Tamurkhan?


When I add "Theodore Brucker" his points do not show up in the Lord section on the points break down.

Also I can not find "Lietpold the Black", has her not been added yet?

Thanks, Adam.
armour save shows up wrong

When giving a warrior priest on foot the armour of silvered steel his stat line gives him a 3+ armour save. It should read 2+, the AoSS gives a 2+ that cannot be improved.
BSB options

Empire BSB's no longer have any restrictions on mundane gear, but the weapons still get blocked out if you take the BSB option.
This is a general magic item bug, but the Dragon Helm is supposed to give +1 armor save (like the Helm of the Skaven Slayer) as well as a 2+ ward save vs fire
When giving a warrior priest on foot the armour of silvered steel his stat line gives him a 3+ armour save. It should read 2+, the AoSS gives a 2+ that cannot be improved.

Empire BSB's no longer have any restrictions on mundane gear, but the weapons still get blocked out if you take the BSB option.

Above two fixed for next release.

This is a general magic item bug, but the Dragon Helm is supposed to give +1 armor save (like the Helm of the Skaven Slayer) as well as a 2+ ward save vs fire

Seems fine to me, but I possibly fixed this and didn't include in update...
Hey Guys -

I'm new to the forums and to ArmyBuilder (I'm a mac guy), and feverishly trying to catch up on forums and software. I am currently running WFB2.45

I'm trying to make my way through the entire Empire data file to make sure all special rules are printing appropriately. It looks like you guys have done an amazing job!

I appologize if this is posted previously or if I posted it in the wrong area, but the empire data file is missing a special rule for Luthor Huss in 8th edition codex, pg 60.

- Fiery Demagogue : ...Luthor Huss also knows the following Battle Prayer
- Unbending Righteousness : Luthor and unit gain Stubborn until start of next friendly magic phase
Hey Guys -

I'm new to the forums and to ArmyBuilder (I'm a mac guy), and feverishly trying to catch up on forums and software. I am currently running WFB2.45

I'm trying to make my way through the entire Empire data file to make sure all special rules are printing appropriately. It looks like you guys have done an amazing job!

I appologize if this is posted previously or if I posted it in the wrong area, but the empire data file is missing a special rule for Luthor Huss in 8th edition codex, pg 60.

- Fiery Demagogue : ...Luthor Huss also knows the following Battle Prayer
- Unbending Righteousness : Luthor and unit gain Stubborn until start of next friendly magic phase

Fixed for next release.
I noticed some things with a list I used recently

the arch lector on war alter is showing as having a 4+ ward which i think is only for the alter not the rider.

the demigryph knights default doesn't show strength as 4/6 and the unit champion has a different armour save and no weapon change out option from the rest of unit.

also the demigryphs movement doesn't show as 8/7 for the barding i think

Apart from that all good ! very happy