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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

This has been coming up now and then for a little while, but never with this many at the same time. It happens when I click to choose feats for the character.

I suspect it doesn't really have anything to do with selecting feats other than errors tend to pop up when something changes about the character. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the issue based on your screenshot. Can you provide the portfolio so I can see what's causing this to happen?
Here it is. I dug around in the editor and the fTheurSpec reference is the Theurgic Specialist feat, from the Dragon Magazine content. Possibly related to the variant classes chosen?

Haven't tracked down the other thing(s) causing errors.


Here it is. I dug around in the editor and the fTheurSpec reference is the Theurgic Specialist feat, from the Dragon Magazine content. Possibly related to the variant classes chosen?

Haven't tracked down the other thing(s) causing errors.

Looks like you have some content from Exemplars of Evil which does not currently appear in the community set. As I'm unable to reproduce the issue I suspect the problems come from that file. Not sure why you'd be getting that error on Theurgic Specialist as the script looks ok to me. You should take a look at what it's in your Exemplars file and see if something there is causing this.
Looks like you have some content from Exemplars of Evil which does not currently appear in the community set. As I'm unable to reproduce the issue I suspect the problems come from that file. Not sure why you'd be getting that error on Theurgic Specialist as the script looks ok to me. You should take a look at what it's in your Exemplars file and see if something there is causing this.

I forgot that EoE wasn't in the community set. Here's the file, it's only that one feat. I don't see how that would be causing an error, because all it looks at is Intelligence and the Spell Mastery feat.


I forgot that EoE wasn't in the community set. Here's the file, it's only that one feat. I don't see how that would be causing an error, because all it looks at is Intelligence and the Spell Mastery feat.

Ok, sorry. Took another look, and with a little help from an anonymous tip I think we might have it fixed. I'm still not sure why I can't reproduce the errors, and because of that I can't confirm the fix. So, instead, I'll post the changes (in bold) you need to make here. Let me know if this resolves the problems:

Custom - Dragon Magazine.user
~ Loop through all classes looking for arcane casting
var result as number

foreach pick in hero from BaseClHelp where [B]"(CasterSrc.Arcane | CasterSrc.Divine) & !thingid.cHelpWiz"[/B]
   if (each.field[cMagicLev].value >= 1) then
     result += 1

validif (result >= 2)


Custom - Dragon Magazine.user
hero.[B]childfound[/B][xSkirmish].field[Value].value >= 2
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) is not equipable currently so the luck bonus cannot be added. The eval script for it even checks if it is equipped.
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) is not equipable currently so the luck bonus cannot be added. The eval script for it even checks if it is equipped.
Being from the DMG that shouldn't be a community item. Maybe Shadow can look at it.
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) is not equipable currently so the luck bonus cannot be added. The eval script for it even checks if it is equipped.

The fix for this issue will be available in the next release of the community set.
Basic Ranger bugs?

Hello! I've ran into a problem while creating a basic ranger. The Favored Enemy and Wild Empathy special abilities keep repeating values in the Special Tab. There is also similar behavior in Gear when I place items into containers (Backpack, Pouch, Dropped to Ground).

These repeated values also appear in the final character sheet in Print Preview.

Is there any kind of workaround or does this sound like a bug?

Hello! I've ran into a problem while creating a basic ranger. The Favored Enemy and Wild Empathy special abilities keep repeating values in the Special Tab. There is also similar behavior in Gear when I place items into containers (Backpack, Pouch, Dropped to Ground).

These repeated values also appear in the final character sheet in Print Preview.

Is there any kind of workaround or does this sound like a bug?


This is clearly a bug that may be tied to the recent HL updates. I'll post the issue to their bug database.
Workaround for this duplication bug described by Ryan F in another post:

"Hello everyone,

Thank you all very much for letting us know. We've gotten a number of reports of this and other similar behavior when a number of Activated Abilities are enables/disabled. Our dev team is working on a fix as we speak but for now I do have a workaround to prevent this from occurring and to clear the existing display errors.

Inside Hero Lab with any RPG System open use the Develop Menu Tab and select the option to "Disable Fast Evaluation for Game" and you'll see the duplicate suffix/notes/appendages removed and begin to display as intended. This fix should "stick" to the Application for all Portfolios after you've enabled it to resume more/less normal use of the Application for the time being.

As always, you guys are great, and if you find ever something is going awry then you can of course post about it here on the forums, but please also reach out to us at our support inbox <support@wolflair.com> so we can be sure to have the BUG internally tracked as well.

Thanks everyone, you all rock!"
Thanks, Rone! I've also discovered that if you have Data File Debugging enabled, you can quick reload the data files (CTRL-R) to temporarily remove the duplications.
Mathias wrote: "There's a quicker way than reloading to reset the duplications to what they should be (until the next time you change something) - in the Develop menu, choose "Trigger Full Evaluation Immediately". That actually has the same effect as turning on "Disable Fast Evaluation", and then immediately turning it off again - it triggers a single recalculation of everything, but without fast evaluation."
Issue with the Binder

I'll possibly find more, but I'm coming here right now so I won't forget.

The Special is showing the Bindings ability with the EBL halved for everything, not just for DC calculation.

Since DC is the more painful calc, this is not so much of an issue for me, but still.
I'll possibly find more, but I'm coming here right now so I won't forget.

The Special is showing the Bindings ability with the EBL halved for everything, not just for DC calculation.

Since DC is the more painful calc, this is not so much of an issue for me, but still.

Can you be more specific what you are talking about? What class is this for? How would I reproduce it?
Binder, Tome of Magic ability called xBinding (i think). Code lines are out of order for what it is supposed to say. EBL (effective binder level) is basically "caster level" for the binder. The DC of binder abilities is 10 + 1/2 EBL + modifier. I set it up but must not have coded it exactly right lol
Sorry for the confusion, Sendric, I totally forgot I didn't said the Class. But is exactly what Illyahr says.

The only difference from a normal caster to the Binder in this regard is that the Binder won't use Vestige Level (SL) to define DC, instead it uses 1/2 EBL. Somehow the HL is halving EBL for everything instead of just DCs.