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[Bug Reports] Chaos Daemons

Keeper of secrets and Herald of Slaanesch

Some simple fixes:

Keeper: When you select lvl 2 or 3 or 4 wizard it still says "magic1" in the option summary box.

Herald of Slaanesh: When you have a lvl 1 wizard option selected, the lore of Slaanesh spells and lore attributes are hard to de-select if you want to change lore's or remove the wizard lvl altogether. I have to select each box 3-7 times to get it to de-select. Drives me crazy. I have just deleted the hero and re-select to bypass this.

Bloodletters and Plague bearers: Don't know if this is possible to add but these two units cannot take the "flaming banner" due to having a magical hand weapon. The same goes for the Herald of Nurgle and Khorne. Only daemonetts and Pink Horrors can take the flaming banner and their respective heralds.

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Some simple fixes:

Keeper: When you select lvl 2 or 3 or 4 wizard it still says "magic1" in the option summary box.

Herald of Slaanesh: When you have a lvl 1 wizard option selected, the lore of Slaanesh spells and lore attributes are hard to de-select if you want to change lore's or remove the wizard lvl altogether. I have to select each box 3-7 times to get it to de-select. Drives me crazy. I have just deleted the hero and re-select to bypass this.

Bloodletters and Plague bearers: Don't know if this is possible to add but these two units cannot take the "flaming banner" due to having a magical hand weapon. The same goes for the Herald of Nurgle and Khorne. Only daemonetts and Pink Horrors can take the flaming banner and their respective heralds.


Will look at some code options for HoS, however when I use the increase magic level for KoS it does update the Magic level and print the correct magic level.

As for the Flaming Banner can you quote or direct me toward the rule/FAQ/Errata that prohibits them from having a magic banner and magic weapon?

Here is the issue at hand, if you take a magic banner and you say have a magic weapon it's effect do not transfer into the weapon. I agree, in the case of these units they have by default magic weapons. However no rule prohibits them from taking a banner they cannot benefit from. It's a catch-22 IMHO. So since by rule it is not prohibited therefore it must be allowed.
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Will look at some code options for HoS, however when I use the increase magic level for KoS it does update the Magic level and print the correct magic level. When I print it out it still shows the KOS as lvl 1 even though it has been selected. Weird that it shows on your print out but no on mine. I will look again at my print out.

As for the Flaming Banner can you quote or direct me toward the rule/FAQ/Errata that prohibits them from having a magic banner and magic weapon? See comment below

Here is the issue at hand, if you take a magic banner and you say have a magic weapon it's effect do not transfer into the weapon. I agree, in the case of these units they have by default magic weapons. However no rule prohibits them from taking a banner they cannot benefit from. It's a catch-22 IMHO. So since by rule it is not prohibited therefore it must be allowed.

I agree on the magic banner. They can take it, it's not prohibited, but gain no benefit from it so this does not need to be changed in tha case.

Thanks for getting back to me,
This is in regards to Skulltaker's armour. The Cloak of Skulls is currently list as a "4+ Scaly Skin" which does not allow Skulltaker to benefit from his natural 6+ Scaly Skin. In the Daemon Army book the Cloak of Skulls is described as Magic Armour. So, Skulltaker's total armour should be listed as 3+ as oppose to his current 4+.

Thank you in advance for addressing this issue.
This is in regards to Skulltaker's armour. The Cloak of Skulls is currently list as a "4+ Scaly Skin" which does not allow Skulltaker to benefit from his natural 6+ Scaly Skin. In the Daemon Army book the Cloak of Skulls is described as Magic Armour. So, Skulltaker's total armour should be listed as 3+ as oppose to his current 4+.

Thank you in advance for addressing this issue.

Fixed for 2.69

The update fixed the HoS magic issues but the Keeper is still printing out "Magic1" in the option summary box even though I have selected lvl 3 or 4 wizard.
[Bug Report]Daemons of Chaos

After the mid Oct update there is an issue with the Plague Drones of Nurgle. The base price is 55 points each (unit of 3 is 165). When I click to give the Rot Fly the Plague Proboscis that is 5 points each it puts the 15 but the total multiplies that by 3 (45) so the total comes up to 210 when it should be 180.

After the mid Oct update there is an issue with the Plague Drones of Nurgle. The base price is 55 points each (unit of 3 is 165). When I click to give the Rot Fly the Plague Proboscis that is 5 points each it puts the 15 but the total multiplies that by 3 (45) so the total comes up to 210 when it should be 180.


Will review and correct
Both the Slaanesh and Nurgle Heralds are able to be level 1 wizards. In the program it costs 50 points but in the book it is 35.
Bloodcrusher SB Magic Banner

Bloodcrushers are allowed 50 pts of Magic Banner.

AB allows you to select up to 50pt banners, but triggers an "over 25 pts" error.