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[Bug Reports] Beastmen

Found this yesterday. Two different bugs, one in the Gorebull and one in the Minotaur rules.

#1. Under Gorebull rule you need to add a "stomp" attack.

#2. Under Minotaurs rule, you need to add "cause fear".

Thanks, great product.
magic item costs

in the beastmen army book
warbanner costs 25 pts instead 35
sw o striking costs 25 pts instead 15
and in last errata dated 7th april 2011
it's written to use the points in army books and rules in main rulebook
in the beastmen army book
warbanner costs 25 pts instead 35
sw o striking costs 25 pts instead 15
and in last errata dated 7th april 2011
it's written to use the points in army books and rules in main rulebook

Fixed for next release.
2 Errors

Minotaurs Bloodkine when taking magic armor that would normally replace their light armor it does not remove light armor bonus. Example Bloodkine Takes Blackened Plate - Heavy armor 5+, ends up with a 4+ because it is still staking the light armor bonus which is wrong, the heavy armor replaces the light armor it does not add to it, so the Bloodkine should have a 5+ is my example.

Centigor - Gorehoof upgrade is not getting proper mounted bonus. Centigors should be a 4+, light armor + shield + counts as mounted. Gorehoof is showing as a 5+ and should be a 4+.

Minotaurs Bloodkine when taking magic armor that would normally replace their light armor it does not remove light armor bonus. Example Bloodkine Takes Blackened Plate - Heavy armor 5+, ends up with a 4+ because it is still staking the light armor bonus which is wrong, the heavy armor replaces the light armor it does not add to it, so the Bloodkine should have a 5+ is my example.

Centigor - Gorehoof upgrade is not getting proper mounted bonus. Centigors should be a 4+, light armor + shield + counts as mounted. Gorehoof is showing as a 5+ and should be a 4+.


Fixed for next release.
Thanks much looks good. I appreciate all the handwork you guys do maintaining these files to make list building simple.
I think he was looking for a little bump in stats thru Army builder...(player gets caught) Hey I was just following army builder...I didn't know...
I think he was looking for a little bump in stats thru Army builder...(player gets caught) Hey I was just following army builder...I didn't know...

Heh, like I wasn't going to check it out before I coded it :) Hey you going to come to Adepticon in Illinois this April?
No, I pass on Adepticon. Several of my friends from the T.C. War room go every year and they keep asking me to go. Not that interested in it.

I go to "Blood in the Sun" and "Waaagh Paca" and I need to get back to "buckeye battles" one year also. I play in the GLWL here in Michigan too.

How about you? any other tounaments you go to?
No, I pass on Adepticon. Several of my friends from the T.C. War room go every year and they keep asking me to go. Not that interested in it.

I go to "Blood in the Sun" and "Waaagh Paca" and I need to get back to "buckeye battles" one year also. I play in the GLWL here in Michigan too.

How about you? any other tounaments you go to?

Well I would encourage you to stop by Adepticon just to visit vendor row. I play with IWFB and have done Screw City prep events and also Waaagh Paca pre-games at our local game night with area several players. I am not a big tourny guy, I just enjoy my DoW's which dont get alot of tourney love :( Adepticon withstanding.