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bug report


New member
in Army builder, Bolt action, Japanese, heavy mortar, Tarawa campaign.

Was using AoJ book, Theater selection Tarawa, force selection rules, Options;
use Ao book,incl, downloadable,show named,display wpns counters

In the "abilities" under the "infantry, team weapon" it lists it as medium mortar, and only gives it a HE D6. it should be "heavy mortar" "HE 2D6".

Am being charged for a hvy. but only getting shown a med

I checked in the AoJ book to see if the campaign made some sort of difference to the abilities of it, and couldn't find anything stating such.

Could you please investigate.

Hi there

thanks for the clear bug report - it is an error, will be fixed on the next release for Tank War which is due out within a week
