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Bladesinger Class


New member
Currently playing 4e Bladesinger. I think I have downloaded all updates but I don't seem to find this class. Is this class available on HeroLab for a 4E game?
The last time I checked, the Bladesinger (from the Neverwinter Campaign Setting) isn't included yet. The Swordmage (from Forgotten Realms Player's Guide) is in there, and the Wizard (from PHB1/ Class Compendium) is too. So there are related classes, but not the Bladesinger build of the Wizard class.

There are a few builds like this, mainly in Heroes of the Feywild and Heroes of the Elemental Chaos. For the programming impaired like myself, it means patiently waiting to see if the community creates an update that includes them at some point (which I don't mind, because the community has done an awesome job so far with everything).