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Automatic Thread Subscriptions


Well-known member
I've gone into the settings and un-checked the box for automatically subscribing to threads, but these forums are still automatically having me subscribed to threads when I post to them.

What's the point of that check-box in the settings if it doesn't do anything. When I do a quick-reply, that doesn't mean I want to get a notification at the end of the day saying that I posted.

Is there a way to make it so the default is to not be subscribed to every thread I post to? Or at the very least make it so that I don't get messages clogging up my email?
If you go into your "User CP", then go to "Edit Options", what's your "Default Thread Subscription Mode" set to? If you change it to "Do not subscribe", I would expect it not to send you any emails about stuff.
Ok, I see what I did. I went down to the Option that mentions allowing Forum Auto-Subscribe (the Yes/No question).

I must have scrolled right past the option with the drop-down for what sort of auto-subscribe to use when I post to a thread.