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Arms and Equipment (Stardrive)

No problem! I think you can see what's taking me so long. I'm adding all the descriptive text so basically I'm retyping the entire book one entry at a time. Some entries have multiple options or versions. For example, for the clothing each one has 7 or 8 different options.

The good news is that I've found hidden items, like the lanthanide cells, refill kits, and the Oxymite fuel that I was able to give their own entries so that players can buy those too.
Almost done, but you probably want some more

So I still have about 600 items to enter (assuming my calculations are correct). Many of them are just duplicates with different fibers or toughness but it's still a lot of work.

If you see anything weird, let me know so I can fix it.


Never find.

Any plan on adding Arms and Equipment guide? Not the Stardrive one but the separate one??

EDIT: Never mind :-P
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I believe that evildmguy was working on the Dark*Matter one but said he ran into some unusual issues with the way some of the equipment worked. That was awhile ago so I may be mistaken. I'm still working on the StarDrive one. I had to take a break for a bit. Work gets very overwhelming this time of year since I work in healthcare and I've started to run two different campaigns. I do plan on finishing it though.
I'm sure this is really simple but I don't know how to do it. I need to create a box where the user can enter data for equipment to make it more specific for the item.

For example, this is the description for the Celestial Navkit:

This kit is a modified data slate built around a head-down starfinder and holosextant. The navkit's internal sensors compute horizon location in any terrain, and its repeater display lets the navigator shoot his bearings without the tedious and painstaking process of swinging a sextant. Three identifiable stars allow the user to compute his exact location on a planet's surface in about a minute. Celestial navigation doesn't rely on a vulnerable satellite network, but a heavy overcast prevents the user from shooting stars. The celestial navkit requires a planetary database for each world it's going to be used on; a world-disk costs $50. The celestial navkit provides a -2 step bonus to Navigation - {i}system astrogation{/i} skill checks.
I need to make the world-disk so that it can be selected multiple times but the user can enter whatever world it's created for.
Okay, on the second thing, don't make it unique, and they can have as many as they want.

As for the first, hmm. I think I will have to specify for the editor that you can enter some text for an item. Basically, same as Domain for a skill. I will put that on the list.


Thanks. I was thinking there was a simple script I could enter myself so you wouldn't have to do any extra work.
Nope. I am going to have to add something to it for the next version for this to be done. I was hoping there was a work around but if so nothing I could find.


I haven't forgotten that I'm trying to finish this up. Life has taken over for a bit. I do plan on getting more entered soon.
Life has gotten in my way as well. So it's not a problem if it takes a bit of time to enter these! I do hope data entry and your own Alternity group are going well!

AGggrrrrrrrrrrh, I need it NOW!!!!! - Just Kidding LOL - As my gaming group has always said for the passed 30 years or at least as we got older is life and family always comes first, No matter what. I hope all is well with both of you and yours. Get it done when you can get it done. No biggie at all.
Peace out, JBear
I work in a retail pharmacy so this is a very busy time of year and I'm getting home too tired to do more data entry. The good news is that I'm probably bringing someone new into the Alternity world! He's a very new gamer but he's got a good head on his shoulders and he takes lots of notes and reads the rules. We just may not be able to game again until January because over half the players also work retail and making sure they have a Saturday off this time of year is not easy.
I hope there are still people out there interested, I am getting close to finishing the Arms and Equipment guide for Star*Drive. The first version I will hand over to evildmguy will have the objects and their descriptions. My friends and I are going to work on getting it properly scripted so please stay tuned. When we are done with that we will move on to the other books. I was hoping to have the A&E done for Gencon 2014 but it doesn't look like we will hit that mark.
My group decided to switch back to Alternity. We are going to be playing a Dark*Matter type world, actually more supernatural, and so I will be looking at this again.

I already found a typo. :o Let me know when I do that!
