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Armada Status - Wave III and IV Spoilers


Well-known member
Both waves III and IV have been fully spoiled.

Once I finish wrapping up X-Wing, I'll get an update for Armada with all the spoilers in it out the door.
As mentioned in the X-Wing Status thread, my work on X-Wing was delayed, but is now finished. When I return from GenCon I'll get the Armada update out the door.
Hey gang,

Any sign of an Armada update? If I can help let me know. I have not editied these modules before but I did maintain some data files for BattlePlanner. Maybe I could help here. Looking forward for new Armada data.
Hi sorry. I've had some stuff happen in my family life that ate up all of my free time. Things are settling down now and I'll be pushing a lot of updates starting late next week.
Sorry to hear about your family, I hope everything gets better soon.

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. I keep a spreadsheet of all the data that has been spoiled on the FFG site.