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Anyone else having issue with purchased content ?


I purchased Howl of the Wild and Monster Core last night. The content shows up on my Vault, but is not accessible to my characters. Anyone else having this issue?
So it appears the issue is OGL versus ORC. A character has to be switched to full Remaster to access those two books content. Ugh.
'Monster Core' is one of the main Remaster "Core" books, and is marked as such both with Paizo and in HL, so that shouldn't be a surprise.
Paizo certainly marks 'Howl of the Wild' as being remaster too - though it would be helpful for LW to mark it that way too.
If you don't want to use Remaster content, email support and you might be able to cancel your purchase.
Because all new content is being created referencing remaster names of things/additional content, all future content is going to require having adopted the remaster. Note that this does NOT require you to transform characters using pre-remaster versions of classes into using the remaster versions, this simply makes any new (not reprinted) content in PC1 available for use as though you turned a source on for it.