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Any interest in Hero Lab + D&D Next?

I was watching the tutorials and reading, couldn't find any mention of being able to print or export the characters. This missing function has me hesitating a bit. I would really prefer a HeroLab solution.

I believe the at table utility would be very useful. You might have a look at the tutorials they have on Fantasy Grounds and Steam to form your own conclusions. I think we all judge these things differently, but I am excited about what I've seen.
I was watching the tutorials and reading, couldn't find any mention of being able to print or export the characters. This missing function has me hesitating a bit. I would really prefer a HeroLab solution.

Well, I feared/suspected so much, though I do not know the FantasyGrounds product. It seems to me (also for the earlier "Project Morningstar" thing) that WotC seems to be mainly interested in a Virtual Table thing, and they are not interested in a solution which people who like a PC-made character sheet but otherwise do not want to use technology on the gaming table (often due to what it means for "feeling inside the game world").

One of our Gamemasters actually "banned" all technology devices from the gaming table. So an application which cannot print character sheets would be useless for me in this group...

Totally different Use Case... Virtual Table or Character Editor...

Well, I feared/suspected so much, though I do not know the FantasyGrounds product. It seems to me (also for the earlier "Project Morningstar" thing) that WotC seems to be mainly interested in a Virtual Table thing, and they are not interested in a solution which people who like a PC-made character sheet but otherwise do not want to use technology on the gaming table (often due to what it means for "feeling inside the game world").

One of our Gamemasters actually "banned" all technology devices from the gaming table. So an application which cannot print character sheets would be useless for me in this group...

Totally different Use Case... Virtual Table or Character Editor...


I have been looking into Fantasy Grounds, primarily because of the 5e support. It does seem that printing of character sheets is still not a feature. I saw a number of workaround discussed in their forums. The most common of which is to do a screen print.

I would really prefer a Hero Labs solution. I have begun using Realm Works, and really like it. I have started to input the Lost Mine of Phandelver module into it. FG already has that, which would be a real time saver...
Totally different Use Case... Virtual Table or Character Editor...
For me, the way I used Herolab with Pathfinder, I am looking for a Character Editor/Manager. I loved how I could track stuff in game using the HeroLab. That is why I hate so much the fanboy crap on WotC forum where they keep trying to say all HeroLab can do is create characters. :(
For me, the way I used Herolab with Pathfinder, I am looking for a Character Editor/Manager. I loved how I could track stuff in game using the HeroLab. That is why I hate so much the fanboy crap on WotC forum where they keep trying to say all HeroLab can do is create characters. :(

Same here, Creating Characters and especially PRINTING them is what I want
to do. If a DnD software cannot do that it is useless for me.

Sometimes I also use the Combat Simulator of HL, but that's it (and
hey, the statement HL could only do character creation is wrong ;-) )

I play with a group of people where just about everyone runs a game or three. We use all sorts of systems, and D&D next is just one of them. We have fun regardless of what the system is.

I would love to see HeroLabs support D&D next. I don't even care if it is an additional license that I would have to buy.

I love the character sheets and information that comes out of HeroLabs. Doing the effort by hand I always miss something. HeroLabs gets me quickly past the annoying part of gaming -- making the character and to the fun part of gaming -- playing the character.

I still want to see HeroLabs for the old Cortex system.


Please make sure you let WoTC know. LWD would love to support DnD Next/5e, but that requires WoTC to license the content. Make sure to e-mail suggestions/feedback to WoTC and also in the "additional comments" section of their monthly surveys.

They've done it with Fantasy Grounds, there is no reason that they couldn't do it with RW and HL.

Please make sure you let WoTC know. LWD would love to support DnD Next/5e, but that requires WoTC to license the content. Make sure to e-mail suggestions/feedback to WoTC and also in the "additional comments" section of their monthly surveys.

They've done it with Fantasy Grounds, there is no reason that they couldn't do it with RW and HL.
I have sent three emails and added it to the monthly survey and in the occasional survey they ask you to do when you visit their site. I have given up hope. There is some reason they do not allow this and I just do not see it. Fantasy Grounds is NOT a character generation or character management system. It is a virtual play system.

I want a product exactly like Herolab. It is that simple, but they clearly don't see the need to offer such a license or they have made it so costly that Lone Wolf can't justify paying it. I do not know which, I do know it makes me sad.
I have sent three emails and added it to the monthly survey and in the occasional survey they ask you to do when you visit their site. I have given up hope. There is some reason they do not allow this and I just do not see it. Fantasy Grounds is NOT a character generation or character management system. It is a virtual play system.

I want a product exactly like Herolab. It is that simple, but they clearly don't see the need to offer such a license or they have made it so costly that Lone Wolf can't justify paying it. I do not know which, I do know it makes me sad.

Yeah, I have decided to just not purchase a single 5e item wholly because of this issue. When I found Hero Lab years ago, it drastically changed how I play the game, and really have no desire to play without it. I have played in a 5e campaign, using my GM's material, and found a 'good enough' pdf character sheet to get me through it, but I felt blind the entire time.
Well, 5e is what got me back into RPGs after a decades-long period of not playing any. I really enjoy the new rules, like the quality of the books, and am not inclined to invest the time or money into learning a new system and redesigning my campaign world. Perhaps because I've never played any other way than pen and paper, digital character sheet and encounter management is a "nice to have" rather than a must have. I am almost certain that I would pay the likely overly high price of DnD 5e content were it available for RW and HL, but I'm not going to boycott WoTC over it. I guess I'm part of the problem. :o

WoTC is, however, losing money from me on their adventure paths. I have no interest in buying paper versions of adventures and running them from a book and I'm not going to type the content into RW.

I'll keep bugging WoTC whenever there is a survey or other requests for feeback but I've mostly moved on. HL just isn't going to be part of my DM toolkit. RW is, however, indispensable to my 5e campaign, even if WoTC never publishes its content in the Content Market.