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SR 5th ed. adjustments


Well-known member
Since there are no adjustments for spells, I thought I would create some.
I have some questions.
I looked at the existing adjustments and the cyberware equivalents such are wired reflexes, etc.
The existing adjustment for initiative dice does something strange, +1 does nothing, +2 sets the dice to 2. It's not adding it's replacing.
I also noticed that wired reflexes uses a macro, when I try using this macro in the adjustment it says it doesn't exist. Is there a way to use the macro for trait adjustments?

When I looked at the adept power for Improved Reflexes I also got a replacement not an increase.

When doing a negative adjustment to attribute you can't take it to a zero. Which spells allow.
Bugs decreases an effected character's rolled initiative by 2 * net successes, easiest way to show this is to give lower the initiative trait, but it would need to give below 0.

Is it possible to simulate damage? The spell Agony adds illusionary damage that won't kill the character but it make them have modifiers or incapacitate them.

Is there a way to identify gear that has a dicepool where the skill used it defaulting?
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I figured out what was causing the adjustments that were at 1 to not do anything.
The minimum was set to 1 instead of 0 and it appears it's not adjusting properly when it is.
Well I've got a lot of spells done from the core book, Shadow Spells, I'm working on Street Grimoire next and then Forbidden Arcana, but there are some spells that I can't seem to work our fully.
I have all the spells I can make adjustments for done from all 4 book.
What email address can I send the files to for donation?
Well after much experimentation on the problem with initiative dice I finally figured out what was going on. If you don't have a race selected it gives you a default of 1d6. If you add anything that modifies initiative dice without selecting a race the first level of that modifier does not change the dice to 2 it stays at 1.
There is a spell that increases walking and running. I've tried using movLand.movWalk and movLand.movRun but those are pre-multiplier. Is there a way to modify the movement result after the multiplier? I don't see anything on the fields list that seems appropriate.