We've had calls for more/new icons before, but I thought I'd take a few minutes to put together a list of specific suggestions, and urge other to do the same.
EDIT: As I think of new suggestions, and add them here, I will note them as "(added date)". I do not expect to make note of them being added to Realm Works here, if any actually are.
New Icons:
We have Blue Pawn, Blue Potion, and Blue Sphere.. but only spheres for Red, Green, Yellow, and Gray. Fill in the colors for the flags as well.
Fantasy/General use:
For pulp users:
For more modern users:
For Science Fiction users:
EDIT: As I think of new suggestions, and add them here, I will note them as "(added date)". I do not expect to make note of them being added to Realm Works here, if any actually are.
New Icons:
We have Blue Pawn, Blue Potion, and Blue Sphere.. but only spheres for Red, Green, Yellow, and Gray. Fill in the colors for the flags as well.
Fantasy/General use:
- Crystal Ball
- Bell
- Book (open)
- Book (closed)
- Bookshelf
- Candle
- Eye of Horus (stylized Egyptian eye)
- Ankh
- Scales
- Justice figure
- magic circle(s)
- pentacle
- Treasure chest (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Torch (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Oil lamp (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Hand-held magnifying glass (for clues/investigation) (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- coins falling from one hand to another (maybe a bit too much for a small icon) (suggested ed Feb 21, 2017)
- Stonehenge-style menhir (possibly too close to Paizo's golem logo to work) (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Lion face (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Tiger face (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Bear face (suggested Feb 21, 2017) (oh, my!)
- Dragon face (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Fish (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Bird (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Deer (suggested Feb 21, 2017) (or other game animal)
- Tree, decidous (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Tree, evergreen (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Tent (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Horse head (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Wagon (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Gray 5-pointed stars (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Compass Rose (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- 8-pointed star (like a compass rose without the directions) (suggested Feb 21, 2017)
- Log (as in cut-down tree) (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
- Gemstone (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
- Map (squiggly dashed line leading to an X) (suggested May 9, 2019)
- Cave entrance (suggested May 9, 2019)
- Dark building entrance (suggested May 9, 2019)
- Tankard (suggested May 9, 2019)
- Knife and Fork (suggested May 9, 2019)
- Bed (suggested May 9, 2019)
For pulp users:
- whip
- fedora
- pistol (suggested May 9, 2019)
For more modern users:
- Jet fighter
- Modern warship
- Truck
- Automobile
- Steam locomotive (more iconic than modern ones
- Bio-Hazard sign (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
- Electrical hazard (two poles with lightning between) (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
- Radar sweep screen (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
- Road (suggested Feb 25, 2017)
For Science Fiction users:
- Starfighter
- Space Station
- Asteroid
- Space-suited figure
- Travel-map style icons (bed for lodging, tent for campsite, knife and fork for restaurant, etc.) (suggested Feb 27, 2017)
- Star Chart (unrolled document with star in the corner) (suggested May 9, 2019)
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