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Adding Beastmaster


SO, I've added the archetype easily enough. I can even get an animal companion (after a sorts) by bootstrapping one onto the archetype.

What I can't figure out is adding appropriate bonuses.

I've tried several things. Right now I'm trying the following to add hero proficiency bonus to AC... And it just isn't working for me. Not popping any syntax errors, the bonus just isn't being applied.

This is the eval script I've got running Post-Attributes 5000 (no clue on timing...)

if (herofield[tCompLevel].value >= 1) then
  minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += 2
  if (herofield[tCompLevel].value >=5) then
    minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += 3
    if (herofield[tCompLevel].value >=9) then
      minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += 4
      if (herofield[tCompLevel].value >=13) then
        minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += 5
        if (herofield[tCompLevel].value >=17) then
          minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += 6

I'm already aware that this wouldn't work at all with a multi-classed ranger.

Any thoughts/clues on how I might pursue this farther?

So far other things like subraces have been very easy to add. I'll plagiarize heavily from the Feats thread. Spells should be quite easy as well.

I feel the beastmaster might be the most difficult addition based on what I'm seeing so far.
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Based on how it looks like the scripting logic is built off of Pathfinders more advanced logic. You don't need to do all those 'if' statements. For more examples see THIS post.

But basically you bootstrap the same class ability multiple times to the Class Helper and then trust in the Helper tags to know when this specific instance of the special becomes live. So in your case you would bootstrap at levels 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17.

In addition abValue is your friend and you ALWAYS want to be using it to set the bonus/value. This is because you want to allow outside Things to be able to make changes to your scripts.


      ~ Set the list name
      field[listname].text = field[thingname].text & " " & signed(field[xIndex].value)

      ~ If we're not shown, just get out now
      doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] <> 1)
      ~ if we've been disabled, get out now
      doneif (tagis[Helper.SpcDisable] <> 0)

      field[abValue].value += field[xCount].value
      field[livename].text = field[thingname].text & " " & signed(field[abValue].value)

      ~ The following should only happen once on the first copy
      doneif (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] = 0)
      ~ Give minion a stacking Sacred Bonus to AC
      minion.child[ArmorClass].field[BonSacred].value += field[abValue].value
The above script is a very generic script that can be reused over and over again. Its the same script logic I would start almost all Class Specials from and then do simple modifications to it.

Please note your logic of adding to BonSacred is going to be stacking multiple Sacred bonus types. Is that right for 5e? I have to assume they are using a rule where Same bonuses don't stack. If so you want to get familiar with #applybonus[] macro to prevent the Sacred bonus type from stacking.

#applybonus[BonSacred, minion.child[ArmorClass], field[abValue].value]