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Adding Appropriate Variants to Ranger (Spelless)

Looking to setup Deft Explorer and Favored Foe as options for the older Ranger (spellless) version of the class.

I am however a little lost on the best way to do this.
From scratch: most work, but I would eventually figure it out.
Adding interactions to either the Tasha's or UA Variant options: seems like it should be easiest... but I'm having just a little trouble telling how those are connected to their bass class.

Any advice/guidance/hints would be appreciated.
Take a look at the eval scripts in each variant feature. They're all in the COM_5ePack_TCoE - Variants.user file. It's been over a year since I built these, but I think they should be adjustable for the spellless ranger with a bit of work.

First thing would be to replace all instances of cHelpRgr and levelcount[Ranger] with the appropriate ID and name from the spellless version.

But I also created new Special Ability Categories for these variants; you'll also likely need to create a new one for the SpellLess Ranger as well.

Really, it'll take some digging into the Tasha's Variants configurable and all the related Class Specials and Custom Abilities. These things also deactivate features in the base Ranger, so you'll need to figure out what and how to deactivate the equivalent features of the Spellless.