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Acrobatics from Dex Mod to Cha Mod


Well-known member
I want to change Acrobatics to a Charisma based skill for a home brew subclass.

Currently, it is almost 3:45am and my brain has pretty much stopped working. However, I believe I need to somehow change skAttrAbbr and possibly skAttrBon.
I assumed I needed to replace tags to get it to work, but this is giving me an error.

perform tagreplace[skAttrAbbr.aDEX,skAttrAbbr.aCHA]

The error is "Group 'skAttrAbbr' not defined"


I just realized I told it what to replace but not what skill to replace it for.
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I got it to work. I found an eval script for Armor Class and made a few substitutions.

if (#attrmod[aDEX] > #attrmod[aCHA]) then
hero.child[skAcrobat].field[skAttrBon].value = #attrmod[aDEX]
hero.child[skAcrobat].field[skAttrBon].value = #attrmod[aCHA]
You could simplify it, as by default the attribute for Acrobatics is Dex

if (#attrmod[aCHA] > #attrmod[aDEX]) then
  hero.child[skAcrobat].field[skAttrBon].value = #attrmod[aCHA]