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Ability Scores


Is there any way in the SRD to ROLL your ability scores (as per the 5E rules), instead of having to assign scores with what is supposed to be the OPTIONAL system in 5E?

I LOATHE with every fiber of my being any system that forces you to use a point buy or assignment system for attributes, plus my GM insists we roll stats.
When you're starting a new character, look slightly below where you fill in the character's name and your name - see where it says "Fixed Scores (15/14/13/12/10/8)"? Change that to "Pick/roll ability scores", and then enter whatever you rolled.

For a character you've already started working on, you can re-open that form and change it by choosing "Configure Hero" from the Character menu along the top.
Where in the SRD does it describe how to generate your ability scores?

I've tried scanning through the PDF, and can't see any instructions.
When you're starting a new character, look slightly below where you fill in the character's name and your name - see where it says "Fixed Scores (15/14/13/12/10/8)"? Change that to "Pick/roll ability scores", and then enter whatever you rolled.

For a character you've already started working on, you can re-open that form and change it by choosing "Configure Hero" from the Character menu along the top.

Don't know what you're using, but that's not an option anywhere in the version I have.

Edit: well, the one in "Configure Hero" is NOW, but wasn't there when I originally tried to create or edit the character several hours ago. I looked at it repeatedly back then. Very Odd.
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