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Ability Scores?


New member

I've just purchased the full program and am creating my first character. I have chosen the option of Fixed Ability Scores and have assigned these to each of the six abilities. However, my character's race is Human, which gives +1 to all ability scores. Hero Lab doesn't seem to add these on automatically is that right? What I've done is to use the list of small grey numbers at the bottom of the ability scores page to tell me when I've assigned each of the fixed values. These are only correct when I've manually added the +1 modifier to each value.

Am I doing it right? Or have I missed something that does the calculation automatically?

First add the ability scores - then pick the race.

If you do it in the other order it assumes you've added the modifiers.
Thanks Elindor for your reply.

I've additionally installed the PC version of HL and can now see what you mean by it working automatically. The iPad version doesn't seem to work the same way.