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A single Arrow


Well-known member
Is there anyway you can add a single magic arrow to your character sheet?

Could either shadow or the devs add an arrow to the weapons section?

I want to add 10 +1 bane arrows, but I cannot seem to do it. I have to add 50, then tick down 40 arrows. If I am watching my wealth by level, I then have to remove that calculation with an adjustment.

Having the option to add magic to a single arrow instead of forcing 50 at a time is tough. Monsters do not drop 50 arrows, they drop 4 or 10.

Is there a way to do this? Am I missing something?
You could make some basic arrows in the editor that could be bought singly, or say a group of 5 or 10. Copying something like a 'searing' or 'sleep' arrow could give you a basic +1 arrow too. Another way would be to add a "custom" item to the Hero, by entering what you wanted (eg "Bane Arrows") and calculating the cost.
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Rather than ticking down 40, sell the 40 back. That will keep your WBL correct.

I will have to try that. I honestly did not think that would be an option since you cannot choose how many you can buy.

So, to clarify, if I want to add 5 +1 bane evil outsider arrows I find, I need to go to the weapons tab, click add magic or masterwork, add custom, select 50 arrows, configure them and buy them.

Then select the arrows I just added and try to sell the amount I didn’t pick up in the first place to get the correct amount.

Every time. When I find 5 different types of arrows, when I find a few bolts.. or any ammunition that I run across that I have to craft as sets of 50... but I cannot find or buy a smaller amount. Is that right?

Yes, I’m aware I could create a custom item in the editor (which is impossible for me to understand- which is why I bought this program) and then share that custom item with everyone in my party so they can do the same, if we can figure out how to export the edit and bring it into 6 other computers, not to mention ththe iPads.

I am guessing you should at least see the point I’m making. Why can’t you just not add a single arrow to the game?
Oh, I forgot to add:

What if I can only afford to buy 5 magic arrows? I cannot. I need to go to the journal tab and then add the gold I would need to buy 50 arrows, since I do not want to buy them for free, then buy the arrows, sell back the 45 arrows, then go back to the journal tab and remove the amount of gold I added to bring my wealth back correctly.

Of course this throws off the tracking system you added on buying and selling items, which was a great system to audit players and to know where your money went, but hey, that is not important anyway, right?

Finally, according to the PRD, arrows that you buy come in a quiver that holds 20 arrows. 1 GP buys you 20 arrows. Again, crafting is 50, but buying is 20. I am not sure why, to be honest, but there you go.

Having a single arrow in the game allows us to do the basic concept of buying 20 arrows, buying 5 magic arrows, adding 10 arrows we find, etc...

Why would you not allow this simple thing?

Truly, I am not trying to be snarky, so please do not read as such. This is a true and honest question.
You can check "buy for free" and you can check to buy at a "custom cost".
The free option means what it implies.

The custom cost, means you pay whatever you want to pay.
If you take the cost for 40 arrows and divide by 40, you get the cost per arrow.
Then multiply that by however many arrows you want to buy.
Pay the amount, for all 40 arrows, that you wanted to buy the lesser quantity of arrows for (normal cost for say 3 arrows).

Then sell the rest.
When you're selling, the default price you get is 0%, but you can click 50% and 100%.
So if you bought 40 arrows (worth 1gp each) and only wanted 5 arrows (so paid a custom price of 5gp), then you could sell the remaining 35 for 0% sale price and end up with 5 arrows at 5gp total.
You can check "buy for free" and you can check to buy at a "custom cost".
The free option means what it implies.

The custom cost, means you pay whatever you want to pay.
If you take the cost for 40 arrows and divide by 40, you get the cost per arrow.
Then multiply that by however many arrows you want to buy.
Pay the amount, for all 40 arrows, that you wanted to buy the lesser quantity of arrows for (normal cost for say 3 arrows).

Then sell the rest.
When you're selling, the default price you get is 0%, but you can click 50% and 100%.
So if you bought 40 arrows (worth 1gp each) and only wanted 5 arrows (so paid a custom price of 5gp), then you could sell the remaining 35 for 0% sale price and end up with 5 arrows at 5gp total.

Sure, you could do all of that if you want to break out a calculator to buy a few arrows after a bunch of buying and selling processes.

Or, you could just have the develops add a single arrow to the game instead of playing the stock market.
Normal arrows you can buy in whatever quantity you want.

Weapon Tab.
Other weapons section.
Type Arrow.
Scroll down to ammunition.

Locate Arrow (x20).
Left click it.
In the bottom right, under the Stack options.
Number to add is 20 by default.

Change that to 1 or 56,384, or somewhere in between.
+50 :p

It's dead simple to start with one piece of ammunition and buy/craft multiple compared to the song-and-dance of starting with 50.

Our Gunslinger player who we finally got to buy Hero Lab for Pathfinder after years of the rest of us using it never stops complaining about this.
Extrapolate from that...

Magic, Custom, and Masterwork Weapons.
Click New weapon.
Double click on Custom at the top with Price Varies to the side.

Change base type to +1
Choose Weapon and change that to Arrow
Half way down the dialogue box, click to add a new special ability
Select Bane

It's the default Pathfinder system that is getting you 50 projectiles for the same cost as 1 equivalent weapon, not something Hero Lab is doing.
If you want to buy in an atypical quantity that the Pathfinder game does not assume you'll want to do, you need to apply a workabout in HL.

It tells you that a +1 Bane Arrow is 8,302gp and 5sp, which is for 50 of them.
Divide the cost by 50, and you have the per arrow cost.
Buy as many as you can afford, using Custom Cost to pay the correct amount for the number you're buying.
Then sell the rest back for 0% of the purchase value, since the ones you're not taking you didn't pay for.
Extrapolate from that...

Magic, Custom, and Masterwork Weapons.
Click New weapon.
Double click on Custom at the top with Price Varies to the side.

Change base type to +1
Choose Weapon and change that to Arrow
Half way down the dialogue box, click to add a new special ability
Select Bane

It's the default Pathfinder system that is getting you 50 projectiles for the same cost as 1 equivalent weapon, not something Hero Lab is doing.
If you want to buy in an atypical quantity that the Pathfinder game does not assume you'll want to do, you need to apply a workabout in HL.

It tells you that a +1 Bane Arrow is 8,302gp and 5sp, which is for 50 of them.
Divide the cost by 50, and you have the per arrow cost.
Buy as many as you can afford, using Custom Cost to pay the correct amount for the number you're buying.
Then sell the rest back for 0% of the purchase value, since the ones you're not taking you didn't pay for.

I really don't see why you are pressing this point. I am not talking about normal arrows. I am talking about magic arrows.

Pathfinder does not assume you are always crafting magic arrows. Do you know what they assume, that you find the arrows they place in their adventure paths and modules. There is no reason why HL needs to make adding a single magic arrow so hard. I do appreciate you playing "devil's advocate" but your process is so much harder for every player than just adding a single arrow as a weapon.

I have to add 10 cold iron +1 bane arrows, 5 phase locking arrows, 5 axiomatic arrows. If I had a single arrow, do you know how long that takes to add, seconds.

Since I don't do you know how long it takes to add all of that... well, shoot, where is my calculator so I can get this very comprehensive program to add this, because your argument is that Pathfinders, the developers of the game and not this program do not assume a person is going to find arrows, only craft them.

The point if this is to get the developers to add a single arrow. It's a product request per the rules presented in the forums. If adding an arrow somehow insults your sensibilities, I apologize. It's something my entire party would like and probably a feature you would also use if available.
I personally think it would be a very nice feature to improve with Hero Lab if LW would add the option to purchase individual (or quantities less than 50) magic arrows. ;)
Just FYI I just tried to make a magic arrow less than 50 in the editor. So far its not going well at all as HL is seems pretty hard-coded to deal only in 50. Anything else is throwing off all the calculations or causes HL to still charge you for the cost of 50 magic arrows which defeats the whole purpose. :(

I admit I thought this would be pretty easy to fix and its not turning out to be that way at all. I will try again tomorrow when I have more time but I wouldn't get your hopes up. :(
Shadow, I thank you whole heartedly for trying. If anyone can do it outside of a developer it would be you.

Maybe if enough people want it we could see it on a future update.
It's the default Pathfinder system that is getting you 50 projectiles for the same cost as 1 equivalent weapon, not something Hero Lab is doing.
I’m sorry, I don’t agree.

We buy software to HELP US run the game. How — exactly? — does this help me?

I realize that the PF game system is based on D&D3.5 and I understand that many things are done the way they are in PF because of that. But it seems pretty obvious that anything that is sold ONLY in quantity, could easily have additional equipment items created by a script that copies the information and reduces the quantity down to one. Perhaps the simplest thing is to allow the user to purchase 50 arrows (although 20 makes more sense) and simply default the quantity field to 50 (or 20) and then let the user change it. Easy-peasy.

Hero Lab should do this already.
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I'm not saying Hero Lab shouldn't do it.
But the Pathfinder crafting system is pretty clear that when you're crafting projectiles you get 50 of them for the same resource expenditure as putting the same enchant onto a (cross)bow.

The game itself it giving you the option of crafting one weapon or fifty projectiles for the same cost.
The default Pathfinder assumption is one weapon or fifty projectiles.
The default assumption is not, craft one arrow.
The caster/crafter who takes the time to enchant arrows is going to end up with fifty of them, because Pathfinder doesn't have a formula for the crafter to end up with 1, 3, 10, 14 and 39 of them; the formula is this expenditure of resources creates 50 of that projectile.

The system Hero Lab has, allows you to duplicate the crafting system of the game.
Sure, it might be nice to purchase 11 arrows, if you have 11/50th of the cost of a +2 Demon Bade arrow.
But the Pathfinder magic item creation rules does not have a pricing mechanic for an item crafter to create 11 arrows.
You can extrapolate the cost of 50, double that for the cost of 100 and then move the decimal over two places for the cost of one.
But the system itself doesn't allow the item creator to make less than 50s, unless you want to house-rule an optional rule in.

Given that we're not all playing by-the-book or pathfinder-society play, I'd support adding the feature.
A more flexible program is better for all.

But, as it sits, Hero Lab is able to craft following the pricing as described in the Core Rulebook.
Shadow, I thank you whole heartedly for trying. If anyone can do it outside of a developer it would be you.

Maybe if enough people want it we could see it on a future update.
I finally got something to work but it requires a little info if you want to buy a stack of arrows besides just one. Also this is a sort of a 'hack' and it only will work for +1 or greater arrows. Otherwise the cost will come out as zero. :( As of Community Pack v1.19 the cost always calculates correctly even for masterwork arrows.

This will be in the next release of the Community Pack v1.11+ which will drop in the next 10 days.

You need to turn on "ShadowChemosh's Equipment" to now see a new single magical arrow. Adding one is easy as adding any other +1 magical weapon. If you wanted to buy say 5 +1 arrows you have to do small step slightly out of order. Here let me show you:

1) Click on the "new Magic, Custom or masterwork weapon" option on the Weapons tab.
2) BEFORE you add the "- Custom / magic weapon -" you need to set the number of arrows. Set the "Stack" option to "Add new stack" and set the "number to add" to be 5 (or whatever quantity you wish to purchase):

3) Then set the custom magic weapon screen to the new weapon type 'Arrow' and set to be +1 or greater. You can see the correct cost is then calculated.

4) Finally once added to your character you will display 5 +1 arrows:

From what I can tell this is all working and you can even sell them for the correct value at 50% or 100%. :)

P.S. - Trying to add a pre-built 5x arrow item caused all sorts of strange results. For now I have given up on adding a 5x, 10x pre-stack. Sorry!
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I'm not saying Hero Lab shouldn't do it.
But the Pathfinder crafting system is pretty clear that when you're crafting projectiles you get 50 of them for the same resource expenditure as putting the same enchant onto a (cross)bow.

The game itself it giving you the option of crafting one weapon or fifty projectiles for the same cost.
The default Pathfinder assumption is one weapon or fifty projectiles.
The default assumption is not, craft one arrow.
The caster/crafter who takes the time to enchant arrows is going to end up with fifty of them, because Pathfinder doesn't have a formula for the crafter to end up with 1, 3, 10, 14 and 39 of them; the formula is this expenditure of resources creates 50 of that projectile.

The system Hero Lab has, allows you to duplicate the crafting system of the game.
Sure, it might be nice to purchase 11 arrows, if you have 11/50th of the cost of a +2 Demon Bade arrow.
But the Pathfinder magic item creation rules does not have a pricing mechanic for an item crafter to create 11 arrows.
You can extrapolate the cost of 50, double that for the cost of 100 and then move the decimal over two places for the cost of one.
But the system itself doesn't allow the item creator to make less than 50s, unless you want to house-rule an optional rule in.

Given that we're not all playing by-the-book or pathfinder-society play, I'd support adding the feature.
A more flexible program is better for all.

But, as it sits, Hero Lab is able to craft following the pricing as described in the Core Rulebook.

That's all good and well, but we are not talking about crafting. We are talking about adding items to our character sheets. The purchase options in hero lab should not assume crafting over purchasing or finding items.