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A sad situation for a great tool

I think Army Builder is the best tool in the market for what it does, but I'm very concerned for the total lack of interest from Lone Wolf to grow its market share in the Warma/hordes community.

Right now, we are using online tools or free tools, that are totally lacking the amount of features that Army Builder has. I bought army builder because of this, but I found that the updates to the army files don't keep up with the real game.

I wrote a mail to Lone Wolf some weeks ago, offering me as a volunteer to update the files, but haven't receive any answers yet, so, I'm doing the work myself but I'm afraid that if I posted them or share them could be infringing some copyright.

I want to know what's the official opinion of LW about this situation?

And if any of you are as concerned as me and want to contribute to the update.
And, if the army files author needs some help, let us know, I love Warmachine, and I want to use AB to improve my gaming experience.

Thanks and sorry for the rant.
I wrote a mail to Lone Wolf some weeks ago, offering me as a volunteer to update the files, but haven't receive any answers yet, so, I'm doing the work myself but I'm afraid that if I posted them or share them could be infringing some copyright.

One thing we need to do is reach out to the current author to see if they have plans to continue support. Unfortunately, since you contacted us, we've beenheads down, focusing on Gen Con. However, I'll reach out to the staff member that your email was sent to and see if he has reached out to the current data file author. If not, I'll start that process and keep you updated. :)