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2022 Backlog Priorities Survey

What Content Do You Need?

  • Plane Shift: Ixalan - Background

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
2022 Communit Pack Backlog Priorities Survey

Hey all, it's that time of year again. I want to get a feel for what outstanding content do you most want to see added to the pack. Some points of info before you vote:

  • Wildemount is going to be completed alongside Call of the Netherdeep in patch 3.6 (which I'm starting work on very soon), so that's why it's left out.
  • I can't make promises the "winners" will go in next; time, sanity, and personal reasons may prevent me from making them a priority. But it helps to know what you need.
  • Check the previous and upcoming patch notes if you're wondering if something is already done.
  • See something is missing? Comment in this thread!
  • If you're looking for homebrew or 3rd-party content, please see the current homebrew policy.
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Turns out my notes were incorrect; there aren't additional backgrounds in Ixalan that need to be added. Probably why nobody voted for that...

That said, I've got all the monsters in the poll, and the pyromancer subclass from Kaladesh slated for release in 3.6!

I looked more into the races, and they're a bit more involved. I'm planning to address all Plane Shift races in one go, just not necessarily in 3.6. Depending on what WotC has coming down the pipe, that may all get done by the time 3.7 releases.
What is the thought/desire behind putting in the following:
1. Humblewood Setting Races (10 total races, 6 races have 2 subraces for 12 total)
2. Humblewood Setting Sublcasses (1 Bard, 1 Cleric, 1 Fighter)
3. Humblewood Tenders of the Scorched Wood Playtest Sub-classes (1 warlock, 1 wizard, and 1 druid)
4. Humblewood Tenders of the Scorched Wood Playtest Feats -(4 total)
5. 2020 Blood Hunter

There are more humblewood setting items, feats, backgrounds, etc. but item #1 and #3/#4 would be my top 'wants' before touching the other setting content. Humblewood stuff is here (https://humblewood.com/) but I have backer exclusive kickstarter content for inclusion (i.e., some of the playtest stuff).
I may eventually do the Blood Hunter, though it's far more complicated to get into HLC than most people may realize; it took months to get the Artificer working properly, and the Blood Hunter is even more different from standard 5e classes and their already-existing framework.

As for the Humblewood stuff, you might want to read [this page. It outlines why we don't really touch most homebrew/3rd-party content, and why I at least don't have an appetite to program it.

That said, I'm happy to provide what I know to anyone who wants to try and program that stuff themselves!
I just wanted to note that update 3.6 includes everything on this poll, with the exception of "Acquisitions, Inc. - Items & Jobs." Those are planned for update 3.7.

Also, as mentioned in an earlier comment, there is no background in Ixalan, so ignore that.
Fenris, I just sent you a private message with a link to my dropbox, with a file that has a Mage Armor Adjustment that works properly. Have a look and see if it works for you. Peace out...