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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

2019-01-16 Update - Build 34FB5B7


Staff member
Bug fixes
  • Fixes the "Create from library" window filters being empty
  • SF - Fix Enhanced Tank Armor Upgrades table not appearing when it should
  • SF - includes weapons as mods option for items like weaponized prosthesis

  • Numerous under-the-hood engine improvements mostly aimed towards server resource efficiency. (This will primarily impact how well we scale for adding more users, and have less impact on the individual performance experience of any single user.) Note that while we've done extensive testing of these optimizations internally, its possible there may still be lurking bugs. These bugs would manifest as parts of the character not updating when other parts do (e.g. if changing your Strength doesn't affect your attacks and damage as expected), but will resolve themselves if you log out, back in, and load the same character. If you run into such issues, please use the bug report form!
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