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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

2018-02-21 Update - Build 3DD6C6F


Staff member
This is a quick, client-only bugfix release to clean up some issues we introduced in the last release. No downtime was required, but you will need to refresh your browser window to get the latest version of the client.

New features
  • Adds an "Only show valid items" toggle to the add view - Right now, this is a global setting—let us know if you would prefer to see it remain that way, or become per character or per specific add view

Changes and improvements
  • Adds a limited number of automatic reconnection attempts, for spotty connections or waking up from sleep
  • Changes notifications on the add view to clearly show "added" and "couldn't add" separately

Bug fixes
  • Fixes gear holder selection (drop to ground, backpacks, etc) not showing up
  • Fixes gear upgrade selection (such as with augmentations) not showing up
  • Fixes items with default stack sizes showing list prices based on one item instead of the default stack size
  • Fixes some cases where the "message of the day" notification could be displayed more than once
  • Fixes inconsistent spacing of blocks on the add view
  • Fixes 1st level Technomancer spells known/per day not appearing correctly on the printout
  • Fixes table rows on the printout being unnecessarily tall
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New features
  • Adds an "Only show valid items" toggle to the add view - Right now, this is a global setting—let us know if you would prefer to see it remain that way, or become per character or per specific add view
Specific view/list please. Some times you want to see everything like when building for the future. Other times you do only want valid options shown when building for right now.