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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

2018-01-29 Update - Build 09A6C3B


Staff member
New content

Changes and improvements
  • Tweaks the play tab layout on tablets to make more efficient use of space
  • Adjusts the layout of equipment on the play tab to behave better when it is narrow (e.g. on iPads/tablets)
  • Adjusts and unifies the styling of tables to make it more clear what text/controls belong to which item, what is clickable, etc

Bug fixes
  • Fixes opening item details not working when clicking near interactive controls such as buttons/input fields
  • Fixes the 'Character update resulted in no changes' message happening when there actually were changes for a character with a drone
  • Fixes some number fields not accepting input
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Is anybody supporting Herolab online for starfinder? The recent license force over has disabled accounts. Can't reset password, can't get human assistance?

It's been a week - so I'm wondering are you shutting down star finder? Should I apply for a license refund? Will this be fixed? Is there a way to get a fix for my account?


@wolfliche everything is working fine for me. I just logged into HLO without issues and can access my characters.

What do you mean by "license cut over"? Do you mean going from beta to live? Are you accessing the new live website for HLO?

Try using:

Is anybody supporting Herolab online for starfinder? The recent license force over has disabled accounts. Can't reset password, can't get human assistance?

It's been a week - so I'm wondering are you shutting down star finder? Should I apply for a license refund? Will this be fixed? Is there a way to get a fix for my account?



I am not having any issue logging in. Just added Alien Archive as well with no problem.
Is anybody supporting Herolab online for starfinder? The recent license force over has disabled accounts. Can't reset password, can't get human assistance?

It's been a week - so I'm wondering are you shutting down star finder? Should I apply for a license refund? Will this be fixed? Is there a way to get a fix for my account?

We've got people working on support issues constantly, so it's possible your support ticket fell through the cracks somehow. If you post your ticket number here, we can chase it down for you.

In the interest of providing a little reassurance, no accounts were disabled with the commercial launch of HLO. The only thing that occurred was that existing accounts became Demo accounts with a few limitations imposed. But all the old accounts still work and are in use by thousands of other gamers.

Similarly, all the mechanisms for resetting a password, having user names emailed, and the like are fully functional. In fact, they are being used successfully numerous times every day by other users. If you're having problems with these mechanisms, it may point to something more fundamental going on with your account.

The bottom line is that something special seems to be going on with your particular situation. The only way we can get to the bottom of it is through the support ticket. So please post that here and we'll chase down what happened to it on this end. Then we can work to get things sorted out for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience,