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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

Hey Sendric, can you look at the Discipline Weapon Focus ability for the Swordsage (Tome of Battle)? I got it to apply Broadcast.WepFocus to each of the discipline weapons but when I tried to assign WepFocus.eachweapon to the hero it kept giving an invalid tag error

WepFocus.eachweapon is an invalid tag. I think there's an easier way to handle this. First, change all the thingid.w? tags on the general abilities to WepFocus.w? then apply the following changes to the script on class special starting with the doneif line:

doneif (field[usrChosen1].ischosen = 0)

perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.pulltags[WepFocus.?]
perform hero.pushtags[WepFocus.?]

var weapons as string

weapons = tagids[WepFocus.?, "|"]

foreach pick in hero where weapons
  perform eachpick.assign[Broadcast.WepFocus]
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WepFocus.eachweapon is an invalid tag. I think there's an easier way to handle this. First, change all the thingid.w? tags on the general abilities to WepFocus.w? then apply the following changes to the script on class special starting with the doneif line:

That doesn't work as WepFocus hasn't been assigned yet. The chooser picks the discipline and is supposed to assign Broadcast.WepFocus tag to each of the discipline weapons. I have that working without issue.

the problem is this line

perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.pulltags[thingid.w?]
id = tagids[thingid.w?, "|"]
focus = replace(id,"thingid","WepFocus",0)
perform hero.assignstr[focus]

I need to assign the WepFocus.? tag to the hero for each of the weapons to meet prerequisites for feats and classes. For example: the feat quickstaff requires the hero be tagged with WepFocus.wQtrstaff. If the chooser is Setting Sun, which has quarterstaff as a discipline weapon, it needs to tell that to the hero
That doesn't work as WepFocus hasn't been assigned yet. The chooser picks the discipline and is supposed to assign Broadcast.WepFocus tag to each of the discipline weapons. I have that working without issue.

the problem is this line

perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.pulltags[thingid.w?]
id = tagids[thingid.w?, "|"]
focus = replace(id,"thingid","WepFocus",0)
perform hero.assignstr[focus]

I need to assign the WepFocus.? tag to the hero for each of the weapons to meet prerequisites for feats and classes. For example: the feat quickstaff requires the hero be tagged with WepFocus.wQtrstaff. If the chooser is Setting Sun, which has quarterstaff as a discipline weapon, it needs to tell that to the hero

I tested the changes I recommended before I posted it and it does work. The tags appear on the hero. It does look like the script is running later than Weapon Focus so push the script back to Pre-Levels/5000. I've tested this with the example you give above and it works.

Edit: Changing the timing messed up the candidate expression. I don't know why the script needs to adjust that so I made some changes to remove that part of the script. I also added some text to the description so users can at least see what weapons they'll be getting weapon focus for. See attached.


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I tested the changes I recommended before I posted it and it does work. The tags appear on the hero. It does look like the script is running later than Weapon Focus so push the script back to Pre-Levels/5000. I've tested this with the example you give above and it works.

Edit: Changing the timing messed up the candidate expression. I don't know why the script needs to adjust that so I made some changes to remove that part of the script. I also added some text to the description so users can at least see what weapons they'll be getting weapon focus for. See attached.

I see where the disconnect is. I have the weapons tagged in the discipline things as thingid.weapon and you have them tagged as WepFocus.weapon.

I have the candidate expression the way it is due to feats from Path of War that will allow you to swap out disciplines for different ones. In that instance, the Swordsage would need to find the thing for that discipline instead of the one forgotten.

I'll do some working and see what I can do.
The synergy description for the Search Skill has changed. It no longer reads that you get a synergy to Survival checks to find or follow tracks.

Now it reads that you get a +2 bonus to find secret or hidden doors. I have no idea where that appeared from. Though you did get that bonus from Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering which remains unchanged.
The synergy description for the Search Skill has changed. It no longer reads that you get a synergy to Survival checks to find or follow tracks.

Now it reads that you get a +2 bonus to find secret or hidden doors. I have no idea where that appeared from. Though you did get that bonus from Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering which remains unchanged.

I see that too. Maybe its been abbreviated, but without realising it they cut out the middle of the text. This should be a LW error, not a community change.
The synergy description for the Search Skill has changed. It no longer reads that you get a synergy to Survival checks to find or follow tracks.

Now it reads that you get a +2 bonus to find secret or hidden doors. I have no idea where that appeared from. Though you did get that bonus from Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering which remains unchanged.

Curious. There isn't anything in the community set to change that as far as I can tell. Not sure why it would have been changed in the first place, even by LW. That said, it can be easily fixed in the editor by creating a new Search skill to replace the old with a new description.
The Spell Shapechange has the old info that has been errata'd

Player's Handbook, page 277
Second sentence of spell description is in error.
Change “more than twice your caster level in Hit Dice”
to “more than your caster level in Hit Dice.” Also,
change “50” to “25”
Fix: if you build a cleric using Divine Magician variant and select Vampiric touch and Command Undead to meet all the pre requisite of Pale Master it doesn't recognize the requirement
Fix: if you build a cleric using Divine Magician variant and select Vampiric touch and Command Undead to meet all the pre requisite of Pale Master it doesn't recognize the requirement

This is not likely to be changed - if fact it probably can't be. HeroLab doesn't have a way of checking if you can cast individual spells. The Pale Master class is set up to check for the skill requirements and Arcane Caster level 4+.

Personally I'm inclined to believe that a Cleric with 'Divine Magician' is NOT casting those "as arcane spells". He's still a Divine caster that has added Arcane spells to their cleric spell list. If you want to allow it, you'll probably just have to ignore HL's warning.
Wilderness Rogue pops up an error
Invalid syntax for tag template.  Location: 'eval' script for Component 'BaseVary' (eval Script '#2") near line 58

Looks like its from Open Content unearth arcana.
Wilderness Rogue pops up an error
Invalid syntax for tag template.  Location: 'eval' script for Component 'BaseVary' (eval Script '#2") near line 58

Looks like its from Open Content unearth arcana.

Hmm...it seems to be complaining about some of the NotClassSk tags. I'm not sure why, but I created a new version and added a script to remove class tags from the Rogue instead. This seems to work.
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In the Pathfinder core book the custom ability "Hammers" looks like it needs to be renamed from cFtrHammer to cFtrWHammer.

The class special "Weapon training" has a custom expression "CustTaken.cHelpFtr & thingid.cFtrW?" and it appears the id is missing the W.
Class from complete Divine: Seeker of the Misty Ile
The class does not add the spell domain (magic) to the main class option only the travel work properly.

Class from complete Divine: Seeker of the Misty Ile
The class does not add the spell domain (magic) to the main class option only the travel work properly.

I see it adding both Domains, and working correctly. What level is your Hero in Seeker? You don't actually get the Magic Domain until you reach 7th level in the prestige class.

EDIT: Apologies, I checked that the domains were active, I didn't make sure all the spells were there.
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I see it adding both Domains, and working correctly. What level is your Hero in Seeker? You don't actually get the Magic Domain until you reach 7th level in the prestige class.

That character is level 7 Adept and 7 Seeker and I can only see all the travel domain spell in the spell list of the main class the Magic domain dose not show
That character is level 7 Adept and 7 Seeker and I can only see all the travel domain spell in the spell list of the main class the Magic domain dose not show

I see the issue. In the Extra Domains (Magic) special in Complete Divine, the script wasn't completely transformed after being copied from Travel. To fix this, change the script set at Post-Levels/11000 to this:

doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

~ Allow access to Magic Domain spells

if (hero.childfound[cExtraDomSkM].field[hIsOn1].value = 0) then
   doneif (hero.childfound[cExtraDomSkM].field[usrChosen1].ischosen = 0)
   perform hero.childfound[cExtraDomSkM].field[usrChosen1].chosen.setfocus
   field[usrCandid1].text = "component.BaseClHelp & CasterType.?"
   doneif (field[usrChosen1].ischosen = 0)
   perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.setfocus

~ If we chose Cleric, add to number of Domains.
if (focus.tagis[thingid.cHelpClr] <> 0) then
   focus.field[cGiveSpec].value += 1
~ Otherwise, add to spell selection based on if we use Spellbooks or not.
   if (focus.tagis[CasterType.MemBook] <> 0) then
      focus.field[cSplBkExpr].text &= " | thingid.spMgcAura1 | thingid.spIdentif2 | thingid.spDisMag3 | thingid.spImbSpAb4 | thingid.spSplRes5 | thingid.spAntiFie6 | thingid.spSplTurn7 | thingid.spProSpll8 | thingid.spMgDsjnc9"
      focus.field[cSpellExpr].text &= " | thingid.spMgcAura1 | thingid.spIdentif2 | thingid.spDisMag3 | thingid.spImbSpAb4 | thingid.spSplRes5 | thingid.spAntiFie6 | thingid.spSplTurn7 | thingid.spProSpll8 | thingid.spMgDsjnc9"

The last bit didn't have the new spells copied over so technically you just need to change that part, but you can also do the whole thing if that's easier for you.