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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Community Created Files 1.8 and later


Well-known member
Community Created Files

Release 1.31 - TBD

Enhancements & Changes
  • --
  • 3.5 - Magic Item Compendium: Rods that cast spells could use more work. Need to consider best way to handle it. Other items that allow the casting of spells may also be affected.
  • 3.5 - Magic Item Compendium: True Believer has only a limited selection of deities. Shouldn't need a selection, but need to go through the Relics to make sure.
  • 3.5 - Magic Item Compendium: Chronocharms have incomplete scripting to determine validity. Need to investigate this.
  • Custom - Spell Like Abilities: Might need to consider fixing these up so the id's indicate default level and maybe provide summary information. -- Low Priority

Bug Fixes
  • --
  • if you select Elf as a race and add Ruathar class low-light vision duplicate (not reproducible).

Data File Authoring
  • --
  • 3.5 - Magic Item Compendium: Implement Weapon crystals. (Sendric)
  • Eberron - Campaign Setting Psionic subtype needed for Inspired. Psi-like abilities needed for Inspired.
  • most alternate familiars by master size pg 203 DMG. are not made
  • Arms and Equipment guide is missing Quick-escape armor add on.

New Files Added
  • ---

Files Removed
  • ---

  • * Monster races that have been updated for stock portfolios will no longer have feats and weapons bootstrapped (except for some bonus feats). This will make the races more customizable. Portfolios will include all feats and weapons found in the source books.

Known Issues
  • 3.0 - Savage Species: Necklace of Natural Weapons not affecting natural weapons and incorrectly priced.
  • 3.5 - Book of Exalted Deeds: Skylord has a new companion type based on the companion being a flying mount. Details are under the class feature "Call Flying Mount"
  • 3.5 - Complete Adventurer: Devoted Tracker doesn't combine Paladin Mount with Animal Companion.
  • 3.5 - Complete Mage: Elementals not available as companions for Druids who take Elemental Companion feat.
  • 3.5 - Dungeonscape: Arcane Dilletante abilities not listed as spell-like abilities.
  • 3.5 - Dungeonscape: Arcane Dilletante abilities allowing for the same spell to be selected more than once.
  • 3.5 - Monster Manual:Elemental saving throw progression is incorrect.
  • Custom - Online Content: Godsblood Spelltheft is text only until all deities have been entered.
  • Custom - SRD Domains: Favored Weapon Focus needs to handle multiple favored weapons.
  • Greyhawk - Greyhawk Gazeteer: Does not include Raxivort.
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Requires Investigation
  • 3.5 - Complete Divine: Divine Metamagic feat does not qualify if Cleric has cold or similar domain (turn fire, cold, etc)
  • 3.5 - Races of the Wild: Elvencraft longbow does not display club info as magical item
  • Custom - Core Book Mods: Why change timing of Call CalcVal to First/100? Do we need this?
  • DL - Races of Ansalon: Improvised weapons.
  • How to add Fractional saving throw adjustment
  • How to add adjustment for Epic saving throws
  • Why are there three Centaur race options?
  • How to add Favored Enemy through a Class Variant (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?p=201672)
  • Implement Shield Bash for named magic shields
  • 3.5 - Magic of Incarnum: Open Chrakra feats - I don't like the way these are implemented. Need to take a longer look at them.
  • Spell-Like Abilities for classes should be set up like Seeker of the Misty Isle. Bootstrapping slaXXX should be reserved for Monsters only. slaXXXX things should be condensed to single file.

  • 3.5 - Players Handbook 2: Agile Shield Fighter feat not working correctly. (need update from core)
  • 3.5 - Heroes of Battle: Add Commander Auras.
  • 3.5 - Complete Divine : Ur-Priest PrC takes as required only Malign Spell Focus instead of Spell Focus (Evil). [NOTE]: This PrC is from Book of Vile Darkness and is correct. Check updated version from CDiv for changes.
  • Update feats from Complete Psionic to improve scripting
  • Add remaining Planar domains from Spell Compendium
  • Udpate the Artificer's bonus feat list once remaining Eberron feats are added
  • Improve poisons to use the Value field for the DC
  • Check Dwarvencraft implementation and new Elvencraft items
  • Add Cleric Domains for races that need them (Drider; Eladrin, Ghaele; Lammasu)
  • Seek pre-reqs for Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead and use appropriate tag (ie Divine Censure feat from Fiendish Codex 2) (this will cause some feats to display two errors when you don't have the ability.)
  • Assign User.Smite with all smite abilities.
  • Take a look at all classes/feats that use Invocations after Dragonfire Adept has been entered.
  • Modify scripts for Ice Beast and Shield Bash once "Hide.Weapon" tag becomes available
  • Add races Bogun, Phantom Bear and Phantom Wolf from Spell Compendium (pg 26, 156, 157)
  • Update breath weapon so that we can modify the damage from templates
  • Add remaining class variants from Champions of Valor
  • Add adjustment to allow characters to add spells to their list not normally part of their spell selection (such as an Archivist adding non-Cleric divine spells)
  • Provide an adjustment for Monster advancement that includes size increase
  • Move Dark Creature template to appropriate FR data file
  • Fix Half-Dragon template
  • Add Platinum dragon to list of available choices for Draconic Heritage, Dragonwrought and Draconic Legacy feats if character is dragonborn.
  • Add pre-reqs for Wild Shape adjustments for Wild Shape and level requirement
  • Add Psionic subtype for Psionic support
  • Note to self: If you remove Size Adjustment, remove SpecSource tag from tail attack gained by Dragon Tail feat (RotD)
  • Add adjustment for character aging.
  • FR - Underdark - add psionics (earth-node based spells).
  • Update how auras work (add Evil, Law, Chaos). I forget why we need this, but we do.
  • Update Dragon Natural Weapons so Crush and Tail Sweep appear in Weapons tab instead of Specials tab.
  • Sinspawn Wrathspawn and all other Sinspawn variants from Rise of the Runelord should have 2 claw attacks but it is only has one so it doesn't seem to qualify for the multiattack feat it also should have. --needs replacement to fix.
  • 3.5 - Tome of Battle: Shadow Blade feat should qualify as Weapon Finesse for selected weapons. -- seems to work ok, should investigate.

User Requests
  • 3.5 - Complete Psionics: Racial Class Substitution levels
  • 3.5 - Draconomicon: Dragoncraft armor/material
  • 3.5 - Dragon Compendium: Tibbit race, other PrC's
  • 3.5 - Magic Item Compendium: Add Crystals (may require added functionality), Magic Item Sets (P. 191)
  • 3.5 - Monster Manual 2-5: Demons
  • 3.5 - Monster Manual 4: Weapons and PrC's
  • 3.5 - Races of the Dragon: Kobold Variants, Dragonfang material (source?)
  • 3.5 - Races of the Wild: Elf Universalist Wizard variant
  • 3.5 - Tome of Battle: Complete Eternal Blade PrC
  • 3.5 - Unearthed Arcana: Spontaneous Divine Casters (pg 64), Item Familiar, Earth variant Kobold [Illyahr working on this]
  • Custom - Dragon Magazine: Sentinel Paladin class variant (DM 320)
  • Custom - Online Content: Summoner class from dandwiki.
  • FR - Unapproachable East: Demonbinder
  • Eberron - Five nations: Bone Knight PrC
  • Kingdoms of Kalamar (third party campaign setting)
  • Animal growth adjustment.
  • Wolf Totem- Unearthed Arcana p48
  • Devils luck and Dashing Step -Dragon magazine vol 349
  • Streetfighter -Here.
  • Path of Faith
  • Sacred Fist
  • Planar Shepherd (from Faiths of Eberron)
  • Variant class feature for the Wizard- Domain Wizard from Unerthed arcana
  • Psi-crystal companion.

Antimagic Zone adjustment
Item Familiar, Apprentice and Mentor (DMG p. 176) feats
Bloodlines (the standard ones from UA)
Unseelie Fey (template). Dragon Magazine 304
Arctic (template). Dragon Magazine 306
Wild Reaper (Druid Variant Class). Dragon Magazone 311 pg 55
Incarnate Construct (template). Savage Species
Ur-Priest update from Complete Divine
Dungeonscape class variants
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Useful Coding Examples

To pull tags from one thing and apply them to another. Example: Oracle Domain Class Special, Complete Divine

perform hero.childfound[cdOracle].pulltags[ClsScAllSp.?]
perform field[usrChosen1].chosen.pushtags[ClsScAllSp.?]

To increase the number of Secondary Spells. Example: Oracle Domain Class Special, Complete Divine

field[usrChosen1].chosen.field[cSecSplReq].value += 1

To pull an unknown number of tags, assign them to a string, then replace part of the tagid. Example: Oracle Domain Class Special, Complete Divine

var spells as string
spells = hero.childfound[cdOracle].tagids[ClsScAllSp.?,"|"]
spells = replace(spells, "ClsScAllSp", "thingid", 0)

To apply the above string to a list of available spells. Example: Domain Class Special, Players Guide to Faerun

field[usrChosen1].chosen.field[cSpellExpr].text &= " |" & spells
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~ We have to impose secondary natural weapon penalties if secondary tag is applied, 0 with improved multiattack, -2 with multiattack, -5 normally...

doneif (tagis[Helper.NatSecondary] = 0)
doneif (#hasfeat[fImpMultiA] <> 0)

if (#hasfeat[fMultiAtt] <> 0) then
   field[wAttBonus].value -= 2
   field[wAttBonus].value -= 5

The reason the code is what it is, is because the pincer is set up to automatically have a primary attack and this is the trick they are doing to make sure the attack values are being applied correctly (in case they are secondary and also if they are part of multiattack). So, if a creature is set up to so that they are secondary attacks, they should get the correct attack values applied (in other words, you end up removing the Helper.NatPrimary tag). In this regard, you are right Sendric, it should be looking for Helper.NatPrimary <> 0 (is there even an NatSecondary, it compiles, so there must be), since the software is only interested if that is there, otherwise it automatically assumes a secondary attack (the NatSecondary helper is not applied, so it always returns true and then always runs the resulting script).

You can run this script much easier by looking for the condition that imposes a secondary attack on the pincer, and then just deleting the Helper.NatPrimary tag from the pincer attack. This will automatically fix the attack values and damage without having to script it. I just don't know why the glabrezu would need to make its pincer attack secondary, so the script would only be needed for that. Any clue why this code is here?
What confuses me more is that the pincer weapon includes both the NatSecondary and NatPrimary attacks already. The glabrezu doesn't add any tags of its own except a user tag to determine damage and a value tag (2). It's kinda weird how its set up. Unfortunately, I have to go, so I can't delve into this any further today.
If both NatSecondary and NatPrimary are present, NatSecondary is ignored in favor of NatPrimary.
If both NatSecondary and NatPrimary are present, NatSecondary is ignored in favor of NatPrimary.

Yes, I would think so. However, the tag still exists which means that the following statement will always come up false.

doneif (tagis[Helper.NatSecondary] = 0)

I'm gonna play around with this some today and see what needs to be done to simplify the situation. I don't think there are many creatures that use this weapon, but there are other weapons that appear to be in a similar situation.

Update: I took care of the Pincer problem, but taking a peak at the effort that would be involved in making wholesale changes, I have decided not to pursue that at this time. It seems likely that most of the creatures have correct attack and damage anyway, so at this point I would prefer to leave well enough alone unless and until someone reports an error.
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Just to help, attached in this post is a working version of Enlightened Fist - Complete Arcane.

You can add it to the data sets if you like.


I also have working versions of Complete Warrior - Kensai, Complete Warrior - Bladesinger, Heroes of Battle - Combat Medic, if you want.
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Just to help, attached in this post is a working version of Enlightened Fist - Complete Arcane.

You can add it to the data sets if you like.


I also have working versions of Complete Warrior - Kensai, Complete Warrior - Bladesinger, Heroes of Battle - Combat Medic, if you want.

Awesome. All of those would be very helpful. I'll add Enlightened Fist now, and whenever you want to send along the others would be great. I'll message you my email address.
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Awesome. All of those would be very helpful. I'll add Enlightened Fist now, and whenever you want to send along the others would be great. I'll message you my email address.

Hi Sendric,

i have sent you the debugged version of my files... :P

I can work on this request:

Prestige Classes from Complete Warrior (Tattooed Monk in particular)

Will check which class are missing and fill you them as soon as they're finished.
Hi Sendric,

i have sent you the debugged version of my files... :P

Got them and added to the 1.8 dropbox release. Thank you!

Incidentally, I changed the name of one of the files to reduce confusion (UA - Transmuter Wizard Variant).

Will check which class are missing and fill you them as soon as they're finished.

Added your name to the list. Thanks again. It makes a huge difference to have others contributing.
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Does this mean there is someplace where I can download the files and put them into Hero Lab or should I wait for a release and Hero Lab to tell me there is an update waiting?

Wait for the release! The Dropbox is for content contributers not for general use.

Unless you want to start adding your own custom content to be incorporated into the HL community files.

If so PM shadow or make a request here to be allowed access to the folders!

Hope that helps!
Wait for the release! The Dropbox is for content contributers not for general use.

Unless you want to start adding your own custom content to be incorporated into the HL community files.

If so PM shadow or make a request here to be allowed access to the folders!

Hope that helps!

I am eagerly awaiting the next update.

I do not know how to create custom content though I am not against learning. I did work in the IT field as a programmer/unix script writer but that was a number of years ago.

Right now I do not have a whole lot of time as I am attending full time graduate school as well as other things but if there is a need and there is someway I can learn how to do it I am not against taking on some little bit to help out.
I am eagerly awaiting the next update.

I do not know how to create custom content though I am not against learning. I did work in the IT field as a programmer/unix script writer but that was a number of years ago.

Right now I do not have a whole lot of time as I am attending full time graduate school as well as other things but if there is a need and there is someway I can learn how to do it I am not against taking on some little bit to help out.

I have basically no programming background. I've tinkered with html, and took a couple courses back in college (though to be honest, I remember basically nothing from those courses). Mostly, I would recommend watching the videos up on youtube that Shadow put together, and just looking at other scripts to see how they work.
Ok. I have completed the Factotum, or at least the first version of it. The most time consuming part was Cunning Brilliance, for which I am going to open a new thread to allow for discussion to limit clutter in this space. See this thread here. If you wish to beta test this class before the next release is made, send me a private message with your email address and I will send you the file.
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